Five Fascinating Post-Series Yarns of Many Chapters (Spuffy)

Jan 08, 2009 01:20

I am in awe of writers who can keep it up over the long haul. I bow to those who can do so, and make it interesting and in character, with pacing and dynamism, and who manage to throw in something unforgettable. So, before I forget:

Forget and Smile by missmurchison R, at the end
After the NFA-battle, Spike shanshues, but loses all memory of being a vampire and of his former friends and allies. They don’t forget him, however, and Willow whisks him off to teach at her new School for Slayers in Iowa, where he fascinates and terrifies the students. When Buffy drops in for a visit, what will it take to keep her from playing the martyr and walking away? Could it be… a llama? Sweet, funny, exciting and sexy.

Restoration by msclawdia PG-13
Spike/William and Angel/Liam both shanshu after the NFA battle, and their demons are no more. Feeling like a new man, William chooses to continue in the battle against the forces of evil, as a Watcher. Knowing that Buffy loved Spike (not William), and buffeted by the demands of their jobs, they remain friends, but at a distance. All is copacetic, until a terrible tragedy forces Buffy underground. William and Willow put everything they've got into discovering a way to defeat the new threat, even calling on long-lost family members. A beautiful, moving, and romantic tale, not to be missed.

Debriefing Dana / Slayer Memories by hello_spikey PG-13, but intense
After Dana makes it back to Slayer Central, every effort is made to help her understand her new situation. But she knows something Buffy doesn't: Spike is alive. A story of mystical complexity, as many of the past Slayers are closer to the surface in Dana than in any other Slayer, ever. Scary, frustrating, and wonderful.

None Other Than You by tibialisant - WIP alert, PG-13, so far
Buffy is semi-retired in LA, running a dojo, living with a nice guy, and enjoying the benefits of home-ownership. Until a disturbing incident with a creepier-than-normal vampire leads her to start asking questions. Like: “Was that Spike that just saved my ass? Why didn’t he say hello?” As she digs, she finds many things under the surface, most of them unpleasant. However, there is also a shirtless Spike in her basement, hiding from William the Bloody groupies. How many runs for “raspberry syrup” can she make before her boyfriend gets suspicious? Oops! Too late!

Decoy by Isabel - WIP alert, NC-17, eventually
When Spike discovers a plot by the US Government to frame Buffy for the destruction of Sunnydale, he tries to warn her. Of course, she’s not where she’s supposed to be, and the plot is well-thickened by Ethan Rayne, some nasty vampire relatives, a kidnapped Willow, Illona Costa Bianchi, a recalcitrant Angel, and a cast of dozens. This hasn’t been updated in a few months, but it’s got everything to make it a very satisfying ripping yarn.

This list could have been much, much longer, but many wonderful stories have already been recced. You know who you are girlpire, hello_spikey, herself_nyc, powerofthebook, and shapinglight! Thanks for all the wonderful work that you do!

char: willow, char: ensemble, char: ethan, fandom: btvs, cat: amnesia, cat: shansu, form: longfic, cat: postseries, pairing: buffy/spike, char: one shot, char: dana, cat: wip

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