Willow (1/1) by
iwrotethat (PG-13/T) - Bits and pieces of Willow's life.
This is my favorite Willow fic. It's a lovingly crafted portrait, that doesn't make Willow too sappy nor too dark. The author has a wonderful understanding of the character. It's just an excellent study of Willow.
Deus Otiosis by
annakovsky (PG-13) - During the Season 7 episode "Empty Places," Willow thinks about the Scoobies and what they've lost.
Fabled and Fabulous by
jennyo (PG-13) - I rarely get through a themed fic recs list without including something by Jennifer-Oksana. Willow meets the dragon lady and lives to tell the tale. (Lilah/Willow) May be more of a Lilah story than a Willow story, but there's still a lot of Willow in the fic.
Istanbul by
bookishwench (FRC) - Five years after Sunnydale, Willow sees a familiar face: “Hey,” he said, giving her a hug. “Long time, no see.”
I love so much that this is Oz's entire reaction to seeing Willow again in an entirely unexpected place, after not seeing her for the longest time.
Talk by Fabrisse (PG-13) - Giles and Willow discuss Magic--and other things. Sometimes metaphors have to be taken literally--and subtext is rapidly becoming talk, er, text.