Top 5 Things to Celebrate in 2007

Jan 20, 2008 08:45

New communities (that have already been recced) opened for discussion and news about the Buffy and Angel comics relaunch last year. There were also some other celebratory events.

1. adecadeofbuffy and 10yearsofbtvs were some of the communities started to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of BtVS this past year and included art and vids. There were also new ficathons such as:

2. Buffy is the Hero, Dammit, held to celebrate our titular hero in her anniversary year.

3. buffyversemeta held a metathon on the verse and its fandom, and opened as an ongoing meta community.

4. petzipellepingo began her Daily Link List last year to help pimp the many posts made daily around these parts.

5. Lastly the Whedonverse fandoms have raised an enormous amount of money for charities in the past year. The Can't Stop the Serenity Equality Now fundraisers pulled off over $114,000 last year alone, and the fandom has put together various other charity events over the year for different causes. The latest actions have been in support of the WGA strike.
Although this is a multifandom effort, not specifically a Whedonverse one, I'd add that Sweet Charity has done a wonderful job of fandom fundraising this past year, with over $25,000 raised. Not only does fandom get to share the goodies produced, but this current drive in progress is being held for the WGA industry support fund which will provide emergency assistance to those in financial trouble due to the strike.

form: ficathon, form: essay, form: community, form: vid, form: icons, form: fic

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