There is a joke about an old comedian who admits on his beathbed that dying is hard - "and the only thing harder than dying is making people laugh". He was right. Humor is one of the difficult genres ever. Long live humor!
Who's the Doctor? by
missmurchison PG. BtVS/Dr.Who/Torchwood crossover. During As You Were. What if Spike had been keeping the eggs for certain time-travelling Doctor and his friends? The most hilarious version of AYW events - and after Dr.Who and Rose cameos in issue 6 of BtVS s8 it doesn't sound totally implausible.
As You Were + One by
elisi on IJ on LJ (f-locked) Hard R. Pairings: Spike/Buffy/Angel (no slash). During As You Were. Written for Bring Back the Porn ficathon. What if Angel arrived to Spike's crypt before Riley?
Fair Play by
chrisleeoctaves NC-17, Post-NFA. Buffy\Angel, Spuffy friendship. Angel is closed off, Buffy can't find the way to his heart, Spike suggests a trip to the sex-shop... Wicked fun.
Spellbound and Bewitched by
mahaliem Rating: Mature. Post-NFA, Spander. On a mission of saving an ancient artifact Spike and Xander find a roomful of artifacts, inclufding the ones similar to the mojo that made Buffy and Faith switch bodies in season 4. And it turns out the mojo is in a working condition...
All the Better to Bite You With by
st_salieri PG. Post-NFA. Spuffy. Buffy tries to do her homework in front of TV set. Spike asks her to switch off the channel with "Interview with a Vampire". Hijinks ensue.