Waltz by Irenak (PG) - Firefly/Doctor Who - Sometimes when you crossover canons, you have to be careful about language. For example, calling a character a "companion" can have *very* different meanings in different fandoms. Unless, of course, that character is Captain Jack Harkness--in which case, both definitions might very well apply.
I loved this story's use of time travel, and any fic with a random appearance of Donna is a Good Thing. Irenak completely understands how Inara defies the madonna/whore complex by being both at the same time. My favorite section, though, is where Jack really wanted to cry but didn't want to admit it.
Another Meeting by
honorh - Buffy/Torchwood - Apparently, Captain Jack Harkness needs to meet every other fictional character out there. This includes Dawn Summers, when Jack requires a translation of a strange cenotaph unearthed in north Wales. The basic idea itself is wonderful, but it's the *translation* that truly made my night. I love
honorh, in general, though. I really do. I've been reading her fanfic for seven or eight years, now, and she never disappoints, in any fandom.
Carpe Noctem by
fwibble (R) [WIP] - Buffyverse/Tanz der Vampire - Yep, I too looked at that crossover and did a double take. It totally should. not. work--but
fwibble pulls it all together.
Probably considered a Gen fic, since it doesn't focus on any particular character but deals with the interactions of all the Scoobies and the Ministers of Grace with the Tanz crowd, although there is slash involved. The author captures the voices of all the characters so well. Even if you are unfamiliar with the other fandom, you should still be able to follow and to enjoy this fic.
Plus, there's Herbert/Spike: the perfect WTFOTP. And Krolock dances with Drusilla. And you just *know* that Giles would completely geek-out over that library. And Herbert/Spike. And, then, Illyria shows up. And did I mention the Herbert/Spike?
Dinner Companion by
bookishwench (PG) - Buffyverse/Lost - "Dude," Hurley said, taking another bite of his banana, "and that isn't even close to being the weirdest thing that's happened in the last six hours." - In full and fair disclosure, this fic is based off a prompt I gave
bookishwench for Drusilla/Hurley -- but she took the ball, ran with it, and made a touchdown in five different counties along the way.
bookishwench is *the* definitive Drusilla writer, as far as I'm concerned. She has a great deal of sympathy for the character--while never forgetting that Dru is an insane demon. Plus, who doesn't love Hurley?
Donna: The Beta-Reader by
nostaligia-lj (unrated but perhaps PG-13) - Angel/Doctor Who - The Tenth Doctor writes Angel/Spike emo!slash. Of course. From the POV of a lonely, non-human whose soul mate is another albeit evil non-human. Not that he's projecting or anything. Especially not about the blonde human girl who left him alone, or the blonde other non-human who had different ideas about what it meant to be a vampire and who made fun of his scarf. Nope, no self-inserts here. None at all. He has no idea what Donna's talking about and is *never* using her as a beta reader again. :)