Five B/A fics for the newbie...

Oct 29, 2007 12:23

If you're new to fanfic and are wondering where to find the best Buffy/Angel shipper fic you could do a lot worse than to read these five fics.

btw- I've cheated and linked you to these stories at Sublime- the B/A fic archive I run. All the fics found there are personal favourites.

1. Domestication by indiefic
Back in the day Indie was one of the premiere B/A fic writers and I would say that this fic is her crowning achievement, an AU B/A fic where Buffy is still the Slayer and Angel is still a vampire- but not much else is familiar. This is a long, plotty, make a cup of tea and give over an afternoon fic.

2. Vortex by tabascocat
Believable characterizations, interesting plot, a little bit of heartache. Hot sex. Yep. Vortex has it spades.

3. Amen by trixiefirecra
I like my B/A complicated, messy and hot. Trixie hits every nerve with precision and I adore her for it. This story remains one of my favourites. Contains some A/C and B/S as well.

4. Bleed by theantijoss and Vatrixsta Cruden aka jade_okelani
It's not likely you'll find a bigger name in the B/A fandom than Ducks. She and Vatrixsta wrote (separately) some of the best B/A in fandom. They teamed up for Bleed and it's one of my personal favourites...for, you know, lovey-dovey stuff, a smattering of angst and hawt sex.

5. Phoneix Burning by Yahtzee
It's not likely you'll get a list of classic B/A fics without this fic on it. And there's a reason for that. Read it and find out for yourself.

pairing: cordelia/angel, form: archive, cat: au, pairing: buffy/angel

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