Top Five Poems!

Jan 01, 2007 11:56

sobsister wrote Rhymes with Luck about Wrecked.
elision of the word/the one you wish you heard

sylviavolk2000 wrote The Gift. Stocking stuffer, hot off the press! Run! Run!
Oh, yeah. Even Buffy had heard of Gurnenthar the Good Demon, the Green One -
who would ascend from demon into human form.

tkp wrote Prerequisites: "To kill this girl, you have to love her."
You must understand her wrists, her pulse-point wrists, murderous wrists./Broken, they'd scent the air like cinnamon sticks.

trixiefatcat wrote Last Summer's Corn. Riley as I love him.
Your breath frosts on the metal/Of the dull blue gun barrel./It’s nothing like what you left/Locked up in the armory/Back in southern California./Or at least that’s as much/As you can tell the home folks.

macha3 and Fallowdoe wrote quicken: wedding song. This link doesn't go to one neat little final draft of a poem. Instead, I've linked to the whole conversation between Fallowdoe, who's writing the third volume of her luminous Spiegel im Spiegel trilogy (post-apocalyptic post-Gift AU featuring Buffy, Spike, Dawn, Tara; read it ASAP if you haven't already!) and macha, whom she's commissioned for some songs. It's interesting to read them hashing it out through a couple of drafts, and then the whole chapter at the end. That particular chapter serves as a brilliant teaser for the rest of the work. The page says 2005, but I'm pretty sure it was released to public view in '06.
spread in the hayloft and wasting the seed/only sensation replaces the sun/tasting of honey and smelling of bleed/skirting the heart of things coming undone

pairing: buffy/spike, char: buffy, char: angel, char: dawn, form: poetry, char: riley finn, pairing: buffy/angel

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