Stay tuned!

Aug 01, 2007 06:45

The Metathon is now officially over, and I hope you all agree it has been a marvelous month. I originally started the com because I was wondering what I could do to encourage a little more meta to be written, and it has exceeded my greatest hopes. I think we all just showed there is still a great deal to be said about this wonderful show of ours.

But it needn't all be over now.

We still have a handful of delayed essays to look forward to, but I have also had a lot of people express interest in continuing to use the com for other essays. This was always my intention and I think we definitely should keep the com as a pimping/posting place for all Buffyverse related meta.

So from now on, the com is open to all Buffyverse meta essays as and when you want to post them. Please still post in the format used for the Metathon - with headers, and tags and spoiler warnings etc. as before. If you are looking for inspiration then the subject list is still available with plenty of marvelous suggestions. Add a comment to the relevant suggestion when you have posted to help people find your essay (no need to say 'taken' or set yourself deadlines, obviously). Or post on a completely new subject as the inspiration takes you. The Buffyverse is our oyster.

In addition, you can link to other people's meta that you come across in your travels. The only rules are that it must be Buffyverse related, it must be a public post, you must follow the usual header and tag rules in your post, and you must inform the author that you have linked to her so she can ask for the post to be removed if she is unhappy with it.

mod post

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