Round 1: Sign-ups

Jun 07, 2019 15:39

Welcome to the very first round of Buffyverse Bingo!

To play, leave a comment on this post to receive a bingo card and its code to post to your journal.

Please read the rules and the FAQ before you sign up.

If you would rather create your own card, you may do so.
  1. Go to the prompts post and copy the list. You will need commas separating each prompt.
  2. Go to the bingo card generator and paste the list into the designated box (it's the first one on the page).
  3. Choose 5x5 card and the FREE SPACE options.
  4. Create your bingo card!
  5. This community is run on the honor system. The expectation is that you will copy and paste ALL the prompts on this list. We ask that you please DO NOT attempt to rig your card by cherry picking the prompts that you would like to fill. Well...That's no fun. :)
Self-generated cards must still be posted as a comment to this post in order to officially participate.

You can sign up here or at Dreamwidth. Do NOT sign up at both as they are mirror communities.

Most importantly, have fun!

!admin, !sign-ups, round 1

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