Rebel yell

Jun 21, 2004 23:27

Ok, that was it. I'd bloody had it with sodded Sunnydale.

I was tired of subjecting myself to begging for scraps from those tossers. I'd had it with Buffy and her gang. Ever since the chip, things had gone from bad to totally buggered.

Couldn't feed on a human, couldn't do much else but watch from the bloody sidelines as the rest of the fuckin' world fed, shagged, bashed and butchered.

Still, I could fight my own kind. I could crunch demon heads if I need to blow off steam. Plus it was helping the slayer....

What the bleedin' heck was that thought? Stupid dreams. Didn't mean a thing. Smoke on the water.

All I knew was that this place was stifling me. I couldn't be a monster anymore and damned if I was gonna be Buffy's pussy whipped little house elf.

It was time to hit the road, be on me own a bit. Maybe find a new merry-go-round to play on.
The more I thought about it, the more it seemed a good decent plan. Yeah. Screw Sunnydale. Screw the slayer......ok not going there, not fucking going there.

So I find some geezer who has a spiffy bike. Nice set o'wheels, wait till he heads into the bar, and the sleel beauty is mine. Yeah, I press my thighs around her, nothing like 186 horse power to make you feel all manly.

Destination? Los Angeles.

Let the slayer rot, what did I care? I was my own man now.

I'd do it my way.
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