Worst Plot Lines in Whedonverse

Jan 20, 2012 16:59

We're going to be having a discussion on our podcast, Lets Talk Joss, about the worst plotlines in the Whedonverse. What plots made your go uhhhhhh in Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and Dollhouse?

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spiletta42 January 21 2012, 04:07:36 UTC
I didn't like the Evil Cordy thing either, it felt convoluted and her death sucked. (I didn't like any of the main character deaths on any of Joss's shows, really, but I never like character death in anything, so I'm not going to go so far as to call any of those bad plots.)

I loved Willow/Kennedy. I loved the Trio, especially Andrew. Dawn is one of my favorite characters. I was fine with the Initiative.

I thought the attempted rape scene in Seeing Red was unnecessary and problematic. Someone should have come up with a better catalyst for Spike's soul-seeking. They couldn't give him a moral dilemma with some actual meat on it, really? Of course, that issue has been beaten to death for years, so it might not make a very good podcast topic.

My best suggestion, I guess, is Illyria -- the character was great, but the claim that Fred's soul was destroyed was a special level of cruel. I think they could have not gone there. And yes, I realize they did it to avoid spending time trying to restore Fred, and they had to do that because they had to wrap the show unexpectedly early, but I still dislike the decision.


sl_podcast January 21 2012, 20:51:50 UTC
My comfort canon is they've been so wrong about souls before that they're wrong about it this time.


spiletta42 January 21 2012, 21:09:18 UTC
Oh, without a doubt they're wrong. A soul should be the most indestructible thing in the universe. *sigh* I should write fix-it fic, but I seem to not write any more, sadly.


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