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Comments 7

dream_infinity0 August 25 2011, 01:23:49 UTC
I liked fred. i was at the end a big fred/wesley fan. if you read the ats comics you find out fred is still in Illyria. so she really didn't die after all.

I have to say Joss and the writers did an excellent job on making the story line for Illyria. I liked how it played out.


rpowell August 25 2011, 02:00:04 UTC
I didn't care for Fred Burkle very much. I hated the way the rest of the characters put her on a pedestal. And I couldn't stand her persistent habit of viewing the world through rose-colored glasses and this dumb need to be a hero. Only with Spike did I find her bearable. Perhaps his presence allowed her to drop her irritating "sweet girl geek" persona. In "Spin the Bottle", an amnesiac Cordelia called Fred "Scarlet O'PleaseShutMeUp". I hate to say this, but this insult pointed out two aspects of Fred that annoyed me - her penchant for attention, which she covers up with a "sweet" persona and her inability to shut up. And I've never forgiven her for labeling Charles Gunn as the "muscle" of the group. This only tells me that she never had any respect his intelligence or believed that he had any.


spuffy_noelle August 25 2011, 02:56:22 UTC
I loved Fred! I know people thought that she was treated with kid gloves by the guys, but in "Habeas Corpses", Angel makes Cordy stay back when they go to Wolfram & Hart but wants Fred with them on a dangerous mission. I know that Angel is very mad at Cordy, but even so, Fred goes out into combat with the guys often, and they wouldn't include her if they thought her to be weak.

I loved how she came into her own in season 5. It was great to see her so sure of herself in the lab. Also, she provided a feminine touch in a show full of MEN!

I shipped her with Wesley, and I'm still a little bitter that all we got ONE episode and a kiss! Her dying scene in AHITW makes me cry, it's so sweet. I wish we had gotten more Fred, but Illyria was badass and it was nice to see Amy Acker play that role.


treadingthedark August 25 2011, 14:11:13 UTC
I love Fred.
What I didn't love was the sudden artificiality of the Fred/Wes in season 5. I didn't like that they killed Fred. And I didn't like that they suddenly made this pairing just so Wes could suffer more from her death. It made her death about Wes, instead of her.
I shipped Fred/Wes at first. But once she chose someone else over him, Gunn, I was okay with it, and over that pairing.
Then when she drunkenly asked Wes "What do you think of Knox?" it was again obvious that Wes was not the one for her.
I never bought it. And the angst-tastic Wesley death scene didn't resonate with me.
But I loved Fred from the start.


ladypeyton August 25 2011, 14:12:36 UTC
I adored her.


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