The little nibblet

Nov 27, 2010 00:26

Just a warning, guys. Tabs' on decation so there won't be a Sunday question this week. So i decided to post a Saturday question instead of a poll.

gabrielleabelle 's  Unpopular Opinions Sanctuary post just reached it's 1044 comment as we're speaking so just go there if you haven't already and post away! Srsly, do it now or else... The inspiration for this ( Read more... )

saturday polls

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Comments 15

velvetwhip November 26 2010, 22:44:43 UTC
Just curious, but why aren't we allowed to see the poll results?



(The comment has been removed)

velvetwhip November 26 2010, 22:46:30 UTC
Ah, okay.



lynnenne November 26 2010, 23:15:54 UTC
I like Dawn. As with all the characters, she had her annoying moments. But I found her way less annoying than Willow or Xander.


harsens_rob November 27 2010, 08:11:54 UTC
See, I think I must be in the minority because I love Xan. I don't find him annoying so much as saying the things that Buffy needs to hear (especially when it comes to Angel), though I'll admit he does come on a bit strong sometimes.


moon_kitty November 27 2010, 21:33:13 UTC
You're not alone, I love Xander ! Ask my cat.. named Xander. ;D


spiletta42 November 27 2010, 00:58:38 UTC
I love Dawn. Her development felt very real, and I thought her introduction into the series -- suddenly and cloaked in suspicion -- was a stroke of genius. I especially adore her in the seventh season, when she's growing into her junior watcher skills.


tranquil_ity November 27 2010, 01:18:47 UTC
I like Dawn. Now. I didn't used to, but over the years i've come to think more kindly of her.


moon_kitty November 27 2010, 04:12:26 UTC
I love Dawn. I think she's adorable and chalk up any annoying moments to her being a teenager and (well, sorta) human. ;)


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