
Nov 19, 2010 23:06

Last time we asked ya: Was Buffy hypocritical? Here's what the results show.

Exactly 50% of you have checked the "Yes and no" box. 28.3% have gone with the yes and only 19.6% with the no.  And we have 1 person with a different theory. So where does this leave us? Nowhere. Just like every other question will always have it's different answers, this one does as well but just like every other question, the answers mostly fall in the grey area, cause, let's face it, BTVS was never ever a black&white show.
The best Buffy look, y'all!

Your Mods,

Tabi and Pam

Poll #1643851 Buffy and hypocrisy?
participants: 47

Is Buffy a hypocrite?

13 (28.3%)

9 (19.6%)

Yes and no
23 (50.0%)

I have a different theory. See my answer below
1 (2.2%)


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