Halloweeny stuff

Oct 29, 2010 16:47

Halloweeny pole, y'all with halloweeny episodes. Something not so brainstorming for the holiday. ;)

Enjoy and happy spooking!

Your Mods,

Tabi and Pam

Poll :) )

saturday polls

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Comments 6

crevanfox October 29 2010, 14:43:30 UTC
Fear Itself is a brilliant episode. Not only is it one of the few episodes I ever found legitamately scary, but it feeds into all the underlying issues of the characters, and helps them work through them to a point as well.

But the reveal at the end? That is what made this episode GREAT! All that actual scariness and then so much humour at the end, were perfect. Love this episode. Definitly in my Top Ten.


rebcake October 29 2010, 14:50:21 UTC
Halloween is one of the episodes I use to introduce people, especially kids (10 and up!) to the show. It's loads of fun and shows off a lot of the characters' issues. Plus: Ethan Rayne!


iamfitz October 30 2010, 07:28:06 UTC
ACK! I read the question wrong. For question 2, about "Halloween," I put someone else, but I should have put Willow.

Best Halloween episode was a tough call; I like them all. In the end, though, I had to go with "Fear Itself." Another day and I might have picked another one.

And the best Halloween costume on Buffy ever? Anya, as a "special kind of angel called a 'Charlie.'" Still makes me laugh.


athenamuze October 30 2010, 18:44:52 UTC
Totally agreed on the best costume! I was sad they didn't list the costumes in Fear Itself.


slutbunwalla October 31 2010, 23:56:41 UTC
YES the angel costume was my absolute fave.


slutbunwalla November 1 2010, 00:16:34 UTC
I love Halloween because we see Ripper!Giles.


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