
Oct 29, 2010 16:22

Hello, guys. Here are the results from last week's poll.

Insgesamt 40 people of all 66 think that Angelus was a great villain and 32 believe he's also an interesting one. 28 think he's hot.(ain't gonna lie, i think that too) Only 5.4 % think he's lame.
31 people have never hated him and 21 loved him and hated him in the same time. Ain't love/hate 'ships the best? Don't be afraid, you can say no. ;)

Your Mods,

Tabi and Pam

Poll #1634623 Angelus: Did ya really hate him?
participants: 66

What did you think of Angelus?

Great villain
40 (35.7%)

Very hooot and totally sexy!
28 (25.0%)

Interesting villain
32 (28.6%)

Bad villain
0 (0.0%)

Stinks! Moron
2 (1.8%)

Lame villain
6 (5.4%)

Don't care abou'im
4 (3.6%)

Did you start hating him in the moment he killed Jenny or earlier?

I've always hated him!
8 (12.1%)

I hated him then but now i don't.
0 (0.0%)

I hated him only because of what he did to Buffy.
1 (1.5%)

I hated him and loved him in the same time.
21 (31.8%)

Never hated him.
31 (47.0%)

5 (7.6%)


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