Angelus: Very hot or just a stupid sod?

Oct 22, 2010 22:27

I saw this question recently and i thought it would be a wondeful idea to ask ya, guys what do you think of one of the most famous villains on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Enjoy! :)

Your Mods,

Tabi and Pam

Poll :) )

saturday polls

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Comments 12

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staringiscaring October 23 2010, 04:21:11 UTC
Yeah, always thought that Angelus went a little unhinged for a bit which made him that much scarier especially with Drusilla by his side!


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staringiscaring October 23 2010, 18:08:04 UTC
Exactly. Angelus likes a personal and close kill when he can get them, but I think the soul just broke him and he wanted to get back at the world.

Man, I loved the fanged four so much!


staringiscaring October 23 2010, 04:20:02 UTC
Angelus in season two is where David Boreanaz really grew as an actor and the character he creates is enthralling even with a bad Irish accent. He's a memorable villian and his vampire clan was one of the most fascinating parts of both shows. He also managed to affect everyone in the cast from Angel to Xander. Plus he always stirred the pot when he was free and made the plot so much more intense even when he's locked in a cage and just talking trash.


menomegirl October 23 2010, 04:27:36 UTC
I didn't answer the second question because I never liked Angel when he was on Btvs. I only came to appreciate him as a character once he was away from Sunnydale. I disliked him intensely at times but never hated him until NFA.

(Also, I'm not one of the people who think Angel and Angelus are two separate entities.)


perpetual October 23 2010, 04:30:05 UTC
He wears guyliner and pulls it off. That alone warrants respect for the character.


kayt_arminta October 23 2010, 05:44:14 UTC
About season two of ATS I started to like Angel, but Angelus? Oh him I always loved


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