
Oct 22, 2010 22:05

First i wanna start by saying a big thank you to staringiscaring for the wonderful questions! They attracted much more attention to our lovely comm and a lot of fans gathered around and passionately expressed their opinion. You, our members are what makes this comm a great place to be and a home for us all. Thank you for being so devoted. :)

Next. Results. Last time we asked ya about the how of the Buffy/Riley 'ship. And here's what ya told us.
47% think that Buffy had right. Lots of the comments you left were pro-Buffy although there were some Riley ones too. And 27.3% think that both were wrong.
Angelus: did you really hate him?

Your Mods,

Tabi and Pam

Poll #1631688 Had she right to start the fight?
participants: 66

Who was right in Into the Wood?

Buffy, of course. The guy was letting vampires suck his blood. Sheesh.
31 (47.0%)

Riley. Look how Buffy was treating him!
4 (6.1%)

Both had right.
13 (19.7%)

Both were wrong.
18 (27.3%)


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