In history it will remain...

Jun 18, 2010 21:37

End of Poll.
First a big bravo to passthatdutch  and sl_podcast  for singing. You're definitely up for the Ultimate Buffster contest. You don't know what we mean? You'll see, soon. It's good. Same goes for lusciousxander . She ain't a singer, but she will still compete...*do evil laugh, because y'a don't know what we're blabbering about*

EDIT: Gotta add to the group harsens_rob and emmz13 .And others, who will come up later.
Now results, please:
40 of you thought that this epi is simply great.
31 thought that the songs were fantabulous and that the plot was a very good one.
The obvious breakaway pop hit is "Walk through the fire".
And Spike and Buffy are competing for best role in the episode. Epic, yeah.
36 are always invested in the Buffy epis and 47 felt Buffy's pain. Also, 33 people thought that Buffy's isolation was the thing, which was mostly explored in the epi.
Another 18 picked the "fine by me" button for Xander being the one who was responsible for the dancing demon.
70 people thought that the kiss was a wonderful moment, hot or something. Yummy, maybe?*drool*
35 of you will always pick OMWF if they're doing a rewatch, 32 think that it will remain in history.

Your Mods,

Tabi and Pam

Poll #1577514

Open to: All, detailed results viewable to: Just Me, participants: 57

OMWF is:

The best epi ever!
16 (28.1%)

Simply great!
40 (70.2%)

2 (3.5%)

A nice episode.
4 (7.0%)

I don't like it.
1 (1.8%)

Hate that episode.
0 (0.0%)

Worst episode ever!
0 (0.0%)

The plot was:

Best plot and story!
1 (1.8%)

A very good one.
31 (54.4%)

19 (33.3%)

A little weak.
7 (12.3%)

Didin't make any sense.
2 (3.5%)

Worst plot of all episodes.
0 (0.0%)

The songs were:

31 (55.4%)

Very good.
22 (39.3%)

6 (10.7%)

Not so good.
0 (0.0%)

Ill! I hate them!
0 (0.0%)

Favourite song:

"Going Through The Motions"
2 (3.6%)

"I Have a Theory" , "Bunnies" and "What Can't We Face"(part of one song)
5 (8.9%)

"Under Your Spell "
6 (10.7%)

"I'll Never Tell"
1 (1.8%)

"Rest In Peace"
12 (21.4%)

"Wish I Could Stay"
4 (7.1%)

"Sweet's Song"
0 (0.0%)

"Standing In Your Way "
1 (1.8%)

"Walk Through The Fire", "Walk Through The Fire (Reprise)" Buffy and Spike.....together
24 (42.9%)

"Where Do We Go From Here?"
1 (1.8%)

Favourite character in that particular episode:

16 (28.1%)

1 (1.8%)

0 (0.0%)

16 (28.1%)

0 (0.0%)

6 (10.5%)

5 (8.8%)

7 (12.3%)

6 (10.5%)

The explanation in the end(that Xander was responsible for Sweet's arival) was:

4 (7.1%)

Fine by me.
18 (32.1%)

12 (21.4%)

14 (25.0%)

Completely OOC!
4 (7.1%)

4 (7.1%)

0 (0.0%)

Were you emotionally invested in the episode and the characters?

25 (43.9%)

Sure.I always am.
36 (63.2%)

Not really.
1 (1.8%)

Not at all!
1 (1.8%)

Which of the characters's story 'progressed' in this episode the most?

Buffy's isolation and pain.
33 (58.9%)

Willow's addiction to magic.
2 (3.6%)

Tara's doubts about Willow(abusing magic).
13 (23.2%)

Xander and Anya's doubts about their marriage.
6 (10.7%)

Giles's worries about Buffy being irresponsible.
2 (3.6%)

Spike's anger with Buffy.
0 (0.0%)

Dawn's concerns about being isolated.
0 (0.0%)

Did you feel Buffy's pain? Did you relate to her?

Yes! Poor Buff.
47 (83.9%)

No, not at all.
1 (1.8%)

I felt the Scoobies' pain.
8 (14.3%)

Buffy and Spike kissing in the end"

Was so totally hot!
21 (36.8%)

The kiss was so passionate.
23 (40.4%)

Was a wonderful moment.
26 (45.6%)

Was fine by me.
7 (12.3%)

I didn't like it.
3 (5.3%)

I thought it was completely out of the blue.
3 (5.3%)

This kiss made me spill my coffee.(interpret it the way you want to:)))
9 (15.8%)

I hate it.
0 (0.0%)


Will remain in history!
32 (56.1%)

Will always be a great episode to rewatch.
35 (61.4%)

I'll always cherish it.
19 (33.3%)

Is an episode which i won't miss at all if it weren't there.
1 (1.8%)

Is an epi i would always despise!
0 (0.0%)


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