Kicking Buffy out of her own house? OOC or just A-okay??

Jun 05, 2010 12:16

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Comments 26

drandomtuba June 5 2010, 12:39:43 UTC
Buffy wasn't used to being a general, and so I understand why she acted too hastily. Someone with more experience probably would have run a reconnaissance mission prior to an all-out attack. She was hoping that they'd catch whoever by surprise and have the advantage... Honestly that was a bit stupid, seeing as The First seems able to listen in pretty much whenever it wanted (one of the things that irritated me. The First's concept is actually terrifying. It can be anywhere, anyone who's dead, and it can pretty easily find out what's going on... how does someone fight an all-knowing untouchable thing? ), so doing anything by surprise is irrational ( ... )


rogueslayer452 June 5 2010, 14:11:02 UTC
The Scoobies were sort of right in kicking Buffy out of her role as GENERAL. She had failed them, people had died, and she wanted them all to go and do the same thing again, with nothing to help them win except her conviction that she knows what's going on.This. I completely agree ( ... )


passthatdutch June 5 2010, 13:24:24 UTC
This is one of my most hated scenes. This episode felt like "Dead Man's Party", the intervention scene when she came home after running away.

Like the poll says, it's her friggin house and they have no right to kick her out! Until now I refuse watching that episode cause I hated.. truly hated everyone that isn't Spike. Don't care about the potentials and Faith, but the Scoobie, her watcher and even her own sister ganging up on her and deciding she cannot stay.

And it's not like passing the leadership to Faith did them any good. They fell on The First's trap and if it wasn't for Buffy, they'd be dead.

The only thing I liked in that episode, is when Spike beat the crap outta Faith and how he reminded everyone how Buffy saved their friggin lives more than once and this is how they repay her.



drandomtuba June 5 2010, 13:46:25 UTC
Oh I forgot he beat on her, that was the best!

Though, "Oh you say the word and she's a footnote in history," is a bit questionable unless you think it was just a joke.


passthatdutch June 5 2010, 13:53:43 UTC
Hmm who's line was that? Sorry, I forgot things xD


menomegirl June 7 2010, 03:35:04 UTC
I liked that line. The fact that Buffy appreciated the offer made it better.


rogueslayer452 June 5 2010, 14:01:26 UTC
Interestingly, this is definitely one of the scenes that gets lots of debates and arguments over in fandom.

And I think that's why I kind of loved this scene, because it makes us, the audience, question what was happening and the characters and their decisions and really think about what occurred which altered the perception of certain angles in these kinds of situations. Because this entire scene was more about Buffy's leadership skills than anything else, and I understood completely where they were going with it and why this scene was created ( ... )


deternot June 5 2010, 16:02:48 UTC
These scenes are really complicated! There weren't really options in the polls that completely fit all of my opinions. So ( ... )


athenamuze June 5 2010, 17:19:39 UTC
Why didn't Buffy listen to any of the advice given to her before the battle in Dirty Girls?
Buffy had information they didn't she had knowledge of how dire things were, they were just kids. Yes, Buffy herself was "just a kid" when she started, but she had a Watcher who helped plus she was lucky enough to have a level of badness she could deal with. These guys were facing the ultimate evil and most had never even deal with a vamp.

I think the Scoobies' behavior was pretty out of character overall, I'm not sure why these scenes are in there other than to move this plot along and get some superficial sympathy points for Xander. I think Spike nails it when he gets back and its odd that it takes him (again) to point out what morons they all were, even if Faith stops him from really making his point.


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zotlot June 5 2010, 19:42:50 UTC
I don't think that's the point entirely. I think the story arc starts in S6, when (when they're not abusing/wailing on each other) Spike's the only person Buffy can really connect to. He seems to be the only one who can accept her inability to just bounce right back into the awesome Slayer/Leader role she'd formerly held, particularly in S5, and he gets his soul back for her. The Scoobies erk me in S6, expecting her to just take charge and solve everything without any real thought of what she might be going through, so their expectation for her to always be right and never make mistakes as a General seems natural to me, as does their freak out / backstabbing when she fails to live up to their sky-high expectations ( ... )


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