WIP buffy fics

Feb 13, 2005 16:39

I <3 buffy, but over the course of the seasons I watched, I went through many pairings, from canon, to nearasdamnit canon, to nevergonna happen.
Problem - I left quite a few unfinished fics in my wake.
So, I am hoping and praying that there is some writer who is actually into some of the pairings of the fics I've started and be willing to complete them - I've just lost the bunnies, but them being incomplete is driving me insane!
All I want is happy endings - basically, with the pairings I've chosen actucally getting together!

So please, please, please!!!!
Any writers nibetween projects, curious, whatever - just go to
read my buffy fics - and, if inspired, finish them!
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