31 years & 9 Days - BMM drabbles Valentine Challenge

Feb 15, 2011 14:10

 31 years and 9 days

By Buffymonmon

For Valentine´s challenge (BBM drabbles). Theme: Secret Crush.

A "thank you" to Cally for being a terrific beta.

7 year olds

Ennis smiled as the last sheet fell into place above them, but the boy sitting cross-legged next to him looked confused. - Is it an igloo?

- No, it´s a teepee. And we are cowboys.

- With guns and everything?

- Hm...yes. I think so. And horses. We must have horses.

- Cool. No one can see us in here.

- No. We´re secret cowboys.

- We should kiss.

Ennis shook his head - determined. - Cowboys don´t do that.

- Sure they do. I´ve heard about it on TV.

- I´m not sure. Maybe...maybe we´ll get sick.

- I promise we won´t. Now come here. Do a fishy face and close your eyes.

Ennis sucked his cheeks in but kept his eyes open as the boy neared. He felt strange, his heart hammering in his ribcage, and not sure he should be doing this at all. Just as the boy´s lips were about to touch his the top sheet was ripped away. Ennis pushed the boy away so hard he fell on his back, and squinted up at his dad.

- We´re just playing. Promise!

15 year olds

Fuck! Ennis spotted them outside the entrance to the cafeteria. Too late - they had already seen him. Held his books closer to his chest, squared his shoulders, eyes down on the ground.

- Fattie!

Keep walking. Just a few steps more and he would be safe inside.

- Hey, Fatboy!

Door pulled open, one foot inside

- Heard all fatties take it up the ass cause they are too fat to fuck girls. That true?

Fuck. So close. Just one more step and he’d have been inside, but those shitheads just had to be there...fuck fuck fuck. He turned around, his book cutting into his palm. His nemesis was standing there, wide stance, pimpled face and flushed looking.

- S-s-shut your mouth! Mentally remind himself to breathe, anger clogging his throat.

A cigarette hit the ground, quick steps forward.

- Say that again, Fattie!

Ennis closed his eyes and watched a familiar movie on the inside of them.

One hand around the boy´s neck and lifting him off
the ground, legs dangling and kicking, the boy
screaming and begging Ennis for forgiveness. Loud.
Loud enough for the whole school yard - the whole world - to hear.

Opening his eyes he met the boy´s eyes head on and for a fraction of a second he saw them widen in surprise. Then the cockiness was back and, when Ennis didn´t say anything else, a leer came next.

Defeated, Ennis rushed into the cafeteria, hands aching.

22 year olds

- Hey, think I got a rival.

- What? Ennis leaned closer to Eric, tipping his bar stool, smelling beer and smoke on Eric´s skin.

- A rival! Eric shouted over the loud music, and nodded towards the end of the bar. Ennis followed the movement and sure enough, some guy was looking straight at him through the cigarette smoke that clouded the entire club.

- He´s kind of cute, too. Guess I have to be real nice to you so you won´t leave me for him. Tell you what, I´ll let you pick. I´ll help you out with your paper, or ...I´ll suck your cock. Erik spoke directly into Ennis´s ear, then slipped his tongue inside. Ennis cast another glance and the guy was still watching, eyes wide, mouth open.

- Let´s give him something to watch.

27 year olds

Shit...Ennis unglued his head from a pillow. Tried to make sense of hazy memories. He had definitely been to a bar. Tequilas the size of Texas. Shit. And then somewhere outside and a urine stench. An alley, maybe. And where the fuck was he now? He scooted up, a slimy piece of plastic sticking to his hip, and the backside of someone sticking out from under the throw next to him. Fuck fuck fuck. Sliding off the bed, goosebumps all over his skin, he collected his pants, shirt and sneakers- and as silently as he could, slipped out of the room and the apartment.

32 year olds

"...to be my lawfully wedded husband, secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one..."

- Do you know Lureen´s new boyfriend? He is staring at you. Alma poked his hip.

Ennis turned away from the husband and wife-to-be and glanced over to the pew behind. Some guy was indeed staring at him, a deep crease between heavy eyebrows.

- Maybe it´s you he´s looking at, he mumbled.

- I´ve never met him before today when Lureen introduced him.

Ennis shrugged and raised his arm a little, wishing the ceremony was over; the warm air in the small church was stifling.

Alma pressed a sweaty palm to his.

- How weird. I hope he isn´t some psycho.

He squeezed back.

- Well, even if he is, rest assured that L.D is an even bigger one.

40 year olds

He needed to lie down. And close his eyes. But there was a sound of water and then Ennis was convinced someone was trying to drown him as he felt water splash all over him - over his head, his clothes, his shoes. Then it stopped and he was on a hard floor again, forced to sit up, a voice saying things to him his drunken brain couldn´t take in. Dry cloth against him, around him, back of head against cold tile. His pleas about bed and sleep ignored.

- W-Where am I?

- Bathroom. My place. The voice was male and icy.

- Alma left me, he sniffled.

- So you told me about a million times on the way here.

Ennis tried to focus his gaze on his soaked shoes, then lifted it to see a sink, legs and finally a face.

- I want you to take me home.

- I don´t think so. The man fished out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Want one?

He shook his head no and tried to connect the pieces. - You´re Lureen´s ex, aren´t you? I recognise you. You used to come over with her to our house all the time and then one day you were just gone. Just like that. And you were always staring at Alma.

A chuckle. - Trust me, I wasn´t staring at Alma.

- Ape shit!

In a flash the man was on his knees next to him, hands pulling hard on his collar.

- I´m fucking tired of you never really seeing me. Me. Do you see me now? Huh? Fatboy? The hard quality was back. That´s right. Now you remember me, dontcha?

Memories rose round him like the hot steam from the water, evaporating and clinging to his skin.

- And what about this? You remember this?

A hand grasped Ennis around the neck, a tongue tearing into his mouth almost suffocating him. Then the mouth that suddenly had become Ennis´s entire world moved to press against his ear.

- I won´t let you forget me this time. I belong to you.

Catching his breath, Ennis wiped his mouth, his eyes roaming the man´s face.

- Your pimples are gone.

The man chuckled and then sank down next to him, back against the wall, legs stretched out across the floor.

- And you´ve lost weight.

- How long? Ennis whispered and closed his eyes.

- How long what? the man drawled.

- Have you had... a crush on me?

- 31 years and 9 days. And let me tell you - I´m fucking through with waiting.

Their eyes locked and Ennis held out a trembling hand. - D’you mind? I think I could use that smoke now.

The End

brokeback mountain fan fiction

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