Happy Birthday Heath Ledger

Apr 04, 2009 14:42

Bought these today. I don´t think I have to explain

I haven´t posted here for a while. Have been too damn busy but now things are calming down a bit. It´s about time I get my life back. A friend of mine won a trip to LA for two, and she very graciously asked me to come with. So I´m flying to LA in about ten days. They got us booked at freaking Hilton hotel! Talking about feeling out of place. I won´t even open the door to that minibar, let me tell you (since I bet even just opening that would cost more than I make in a year). But of course I´m thrilled about the trip. I have rented a car for the four days we´ll be there and we plan to drive around LA (I´m thinking; Santa Monica, Malibu, Topanga State Park, Mullholland Drive, Sunset. If anyone has any other suggestions I´d love to hear them) and to drive down to the Joshua Tree National Park for a little desert adventure. With this trip and the trip to the Brokie round-up in New York, this spring is looking pretty good right about now. Something I feel a deserve after this long, hard winter.

Well, time to go for a walk and enjoy the spring that finally, finally, has come.
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