1 year

Jan 21, 2009 21:38

Tomorrow, Thursday marks the first anniversary of Heath Ledger´s death. There´s not much that I can say about it that haven´t been said before.

It´s strange how you can miss someone you didn´t know, but I miss the idea of Heath and what he has come to represent to me; creativity, passion and above all; integrity. He seems to have been full of all three.

It´s hard to believe that he is indeed gone forever. Death really makes one really feel the meaning of the word "forever", doesn´t it?

What a strange year 2008 was. I spent my time writing and reading about two men that never existed and mourning a third that I never knew.

But fact is, I miss Heath Ledger. And I miss what could have been.

There´s really nothing more I can say, besides that I hope that this Thursday finds you all out there alive and well.

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