Be Still My Buffy Heart

Apr 17, 2007 13:47

Holy cow, I'm so bad at this updating thing. Seriously, you'd think I was either dead in a ditch somewhere or the laziest person on the planet.

...feel free to pick choice #2. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Instead of ranting about how I quit Gamestop and told my boss off and how I don't have a job yet (other then helping out temporarily at my old job for a fundraiser) I'll just rant about Buffy.

So...for the past three months or so I've been re-watching Buffy all the way through with Russ because he had finally decided he wanted to see what I've been obsessed with for ten years now (HOLY SHIT IT'S BEEN TEN FUCKING YEARS!! OMG). Anyway, with the exception of season one which for the most part he hated ("I Robot - You Jane" comes up a lot with the eventual shaking of the head), he has come to adore and love the show. Now that we're 1/2 through season seven (we just finished episode 12, "Potential") he's starting to get very sad and depressed that it'll be over soon. I reminded him that even though he'll be sad, he probably won't be spending over a 1/2 hour in the bathroom sobbing on the toilet after the series finale like I did.

The point I'm trying to make in this whole scatterbrained post is that since I've been re-watching my favorite-show-ever I've been slowly getting back those fanfiction and website pangs; mainly for Xander/Dawn. I wish I had the money to buy another domain because I'd put back 'Daddy Like' in a heartbeat. Its almost like a drug I'd forgotten how good it felt to take, and now I'm addicted again. I've been very tempted to continue my X/D stories (you know, since I've started like 7 of them and all but 1 aren't finished)...I just wonder if there are still people out there that would want to read them or has the Buffy fanfiction craze died down? Anywho, hi to everyone on my friends list, I still love you guys, I'm just a piss poor excuse for a LJ blogger. I promise I will try to update more then once every six months. :)

xander/dawn, dawn, dawn/xander, xander, buffy

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