Jul 03, 2015 17:54
It is stupidly hot this week. I mean, it wouldn't be so bad if we had AC but that is not normal for most of Switzerland. My only problem with this is that Blythe is really hot, very grumpy and not really sleeping well. She woke up last night and her body was scorching hot. We took her temp and it was pretty normal. Odd. We gave her fluids and patted her down with cold wash clothes (which she loved, by the way. That was sarcasm.) to help leach out the heat. It worked for a bit, but she got hot again. Today, I decided to keep her home and cool. She slept for most of the day, which means tonight it going to be AWESOME. This is also sarcasm. I did take her with me to the supermarket, which may have been over ambitious for 90 something degrees. As soon as we got outside she flipped the switch from happy toddler to sweat soaked, crying, demon toddler. Poor wee soul. I did what I could to make her happy and calm while we waited for the bus. And once we got inside, it was better, as shopping centers have AC. I treated us to ice cream and I bought us juice and water. She was a delight. Until we had to go outside again. Then it was the same sweaty, grumpy kid as before. I wish she would actually eat food, then I would have less to worry about. If she is getting heat sick then fluids and cold veggies would be great. I can't even get her to drink as much as I would like. I can't wait for this weather to break. I need her to eat and for us all to sleep and for God's Sake, to stop sweating.
The flip side of this heat wave, is that I have been going to the badi (swimming pools) with and without Blythe. Some of them are pools and some are swim areas on Lake Zurich. All are wonderful. The one I went to alone on Thursday has an amazing slide and 3 diving boards of various heights. I had a ton of fun reliving my childhood. I went on the slide about 5 times. And then spent a good hour jumping off the diving boards. I even got brave enough to flip a few times. Wow. It was uplifting and rejuvenating. Can't wait for next week.
We have a 4th July Hash party tomorrow. Short trail, water (swim) stop, and then bbq after. I am really looking forward to it.