Today is Red Nose Day, for Comic Relief. It's a charity thing that helps out really poor people in the UK and Africa. I find that people in the UK LOVE their charities. It doens't matter- it's for charity! is a phrase heard often. David and I went to a charity dinner for the Tsunami and he bid £13 for the Scottish Cricket team's autographed jersey
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Also, in the UK there is more activism regarding veggie rights, food lableing, fair trade, organic, free range, etc. At home we get free range eggs, but that's the only thing I'd every really heard of before moving here. And the US has just started labeling things for people with nut allergies, etc.
I also think (again, in line with my experience) that Americans who tend to travel a bit outside the US are more tolerant and giving than the ones who live in the small towns and watch Fox News all day. I grew up just outside Philadelphia and spent 7 years living in a small town in South Carolina whilst doing my degrees. this makes for some pretty different out looks on life- let me tell you.
All in all, they still didn't give to charity. The most people gave to was church. Which is still something I guess, but it was all backwater, give to Jesus and we'll spend the money on ourselves kind of stuff.
Oh, dont get me started!!
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