Jun 09, 2011 09:41
I'm on the road to North Carolina with Casey and my parents today. I'll make this brief because I'm typing on a tiny cell phone keyboard, and that gets old fast.
Nothing new with THE BOY really. For a while there he wasn't liking or commenting on any of my Facebook posts and it was taking a lot of effort for me not to get angsty and start reading into it. I think he was just busy or something, and now he's back to saying we should get together again, so I don't know, we'll see.
So yeah, on the way to NC, where my cousin Andrew will be graduating from high school tomorrow, and then we'll spend a few days at their cabin in the mountains and maybe hit Dollywood on the way home. Should be a nice trip, and I'm thrilled to get a week away from work, where I've been juggling my job, Marlene's old job, and training someone (seasonal, just helping for now, they haven't even started looking for a replacement for Marlene). Now let them see what it's like to not be able to throw everything at me. I'm sure there will be plenty waiting when I get back though.
My a/c died on me Tuesday, so I grabbed the dog and the kid and we spent the night with my parents. Lukily I got someone out there yesterday for a quick and fairly cheap repair.
Can I just say I love having a smart phone, especially on 10 hour road trips?
chris g.,