Blog It Out

Apr 28, 2009 18:45

Yesterday was pretty stressful at work. I didn't get a single invoice done because I was too busy cleaning up messes, some made by me, which makes it worse. We have to keep a log of everything we do, so on paper it looked like I didn't do much, but it was actually extremely busy. I hate days like that. But then I had a nice evening at home where I did nothing but watch TV, surf the net and drink wine (I bought strawberry zinfandel, which SOUNDS good, but it had an odd taste to it. Still, yay wine). And a little laundry, but eh that's easy.

Today was a great day... a steady stream of work to keep me busy, the kind of work that looks good on a log, and nothing so complicated as to break my brain. But then this evening has been a giant pain in my ass. First, Casey was supposed to take a shower and put away her laundry when she got home from school today, but has at this point done neither. That's because she forgot her key, so when her friend's mom picked them up after track practice (like she does everyday), instead of being dropped off to wait outside for me, she went to the bank with them and then got home right after I did.

I brought home Subway for dinner, and just after I walked in the door, put Casey's food on a plate, cleaned up the dog's pee pads and started to eat my dinner (yes I washed my hands!), Christine called. She was stuck in traffic and could I please pick Danielle up from school since after care had just closed. So I shoved my sandwich down my throat, jumped in the car and got her, dropped her off, came home, changed out of my work clothes and into comfy shorts and a t-shirt and started working on laundry (I'm finally almost done!). And then:

Casey: MOM. It's 6:00
Me: We don't have to leave for your Girl Scout meeting until 6:30
Casey: The award ceremony is tonight! We were supposed to be there at 6, and it's at such and such church
Me: You maybe could have told me that before NOW.
Casey: I thought you knew

Really? Because how could I know if she didn't tell me? Her leader randomly sends out the occasional reminder about certain things, but even if she does it's very last minute, and she mostly expects the girls to be responsible enough to tell us everything. Guess what? They are not. Well, mine isn't at least. She wasn't that clear on the details, so I had to call her leader to find everything out, and then Christine and Danielle because I usually take the girls to their meetings and Christine picks them up, but I didn't know what they wanted to do in this case. Danielle tells me parents are supposed to stay, but then Christine gets on the phone and says she doesn't think we need to. We're like, whatever. We'll just show up and see what happens.

By the way, we didn't go last year either because I was never told about it.

So I get back into my work clothes and we run out the door and head to the church. There Miss Debbie tells me parents are optional and I see that pretty much none are staying, at least with Casey's troop. Plus, it's a PJ theme so there is no furniture because the kids are laid out on the floor on blankets, which is cool but would have meant sitting on the floor for like 2 or 3 hours (from what I heard about last year, it's really long and boring). But Miss Debbie said the troop might win an award, so I didn't know if I wanted to stay or not. I mean, I had planned on being home tonight and had things I wanted to do and didn't feel much like sitting around listening to a bunch of kids I don't know get awards, just so I can cheer for mine... no, not even my kid, her whole troop when they maybe get their ONE award. So I decided to leave it up to Casey. I said "Do you want me to stay?" and she said "NO BYE". I told Christine I was leaving and why and she said "Well I'M staying because I don't care if MY daughter wants me to stay or not. They might be winning an award, so I want to be here", in this very holier than though, what kind of parent are you tone. And I know she was in a bad mood because she'd gotten stuck in that traffic jam and because she forgot about the ceremony too (at least her daughter TOLD her), but I really resented it.

Whatever. I'm just glad to be home. Christine is going to bring Casey home for me, and now I'm going to hop on the Wii Fit, color my hair, take a shower, get in my PJs and then relax.

EDIT: Oh hey! I'm pretty sure I just stepped in dog urine. Good times.

gs, christine, casey's duh moments, parenting frustration, work

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