The Week/Weekend
Work - The special events I invoice are still pretty few and far between. Apparently they usually are this time of year anyway, and the economy isn’t helping. I’ve been keeping busy by helping others though. I like how this department pulls together as a team and helps each other out. They’ve got me cross-training with just about everyone, which is good for job security. One of our other invoicers was called out for jury duty for a few days this week, so I’ve been helping with his stuff. Funny, another invoicer (there are only 4 of us, all doing different things) has jury duty Monday, and someone else in our building just had it too. It’s like it’s contagious or something, LOL. But yeah, my own stuff has been pretty slow. This week was month end close, and my supervisors were literally high fiving me and giving me all this praise because I only had to accrue one event (what this means - if I don’t get a chance to complete the paperwork for events that occurred during the month we are closing, I have to accrue them. Usually there are several, this time the single one I had was because the event staff just didn’t get a chance to get me the information I needed in time). But it’s not like that happened because I’m suddenly super efficient, it’s because business is down, which isn’t exactly a cause to celebrate as far as I’m concerned. Oh well, we’ll see how it goes this month.
What’s been going on this week:
Monday - balanced my checkbook, paid some bills, did some laundry
Tuesday - Took an exciting trip to Walmart and tried to finish the laundry (I never managed to finish because I kept forgetting about it… this weekend I’ll try again!)
Wednesday - April and Rose treated me to dinner at Applebees as a thank you for getting them in to see Kelly Clarkson last weekend. That was very cool of them.
Thursday - I had a particularly stressful day at work and all I wanted to do was go home and relax, but instead I spent a good portion of the evening on the phone with AT&T. Our wireless connection had been down for a couple of days, so I had the brilliant idea to unplug the router and then plug it back in. Yeah, that made us lose everything, including TV. After I was on the phone with AT&T for a while, they gave up and scheduled a service call for this morning. Then later, the TV started working. Still no internet, but that’s not as high a priority for me (you know me and TV, plus I have internet at work or I can go to my parents’ house if I really need to) and I didn’t want to go in late to work, so I called and rescheduled for Sunday morning. I’m praying that it comes back up before then because I don’t want to have to get up early and then sit around waiting for them for 4 hours (the window is 8-12), UGH.
Weekend plans:
Today Casey is at
Disneyquest with the youth group. After work I need to pick her up from the church and then she’s got a birthday party to go to, so we’ll have an hour to stop somewhere for a card and gift card, get her bathing suit (pool party, yay) and get her over there. My aunt Teresa is visiting from Georgia this weekend and should arrive today, so after I drop Casey off I’ll be meeting her and my parents for dinner somewhere, before having to go back and pick her up from the party at 9.
Tomorrow is Casey’s big 1-3 birthday party. As I mentioned before, we rented a large cabin at Turkey Lake park for it. Her friends’ band is going to play for a little bit, plus she’s been planning games. She wants to do Tug O War, Catch The Flag, and she’s making up some kind of Amazing Race/Fear Factor thing. I’m just letting her do her thing… last year she planned all the games for her party and it went really well. She put together a group of party songs on her iPod to play through some speakers her friend is loaning her. She’s got 6 ½ hours of music on there! For a 5 hour party, ½ hour of which will have a live band. So we’re all set. The party is 1-6, but we’ll be busy all morning getting ready for it, I’m sure.
Sunday is kind of up in the air. I don’t know if my aunt is leaving early that day or if we’ll be doing something with her, plus I might have to wait for the cable guy that morning. Casey is scheduled to altar serve at 5 PM mass, so we might be there, depending on what happens with my aunt. They usually have plenty of servers either way.
EDIT: LOL. I work with this guy who kind of reminds me of Dwight from The Office… super nerd, but he means well (okay, I’m not so sure Dwight means well all the time, but you know what I mean). Anyway, right now I’m taking my lunch break in my cubicle because I want to use the ‘net since I don’t have it at home. I have a sign I stick on the outside of my cube so people know I'm on lunch and not to bother me, but nobody ever freaking notices it. Just in the ½ hour I’ve been sitting here, I’ve been bugged by 3 people. Anyway, I hung it up kind of lop-sided so it would stick out and maybe people would notice it more. So this dude just came up and said “Hey. Wanna know a secret for finding the center of a page?” and he folds my sign in half to show me his little trick. LOL, it bugged him so much that it was crooked, he had to come show me how to not do that.