I did this in Facebook and figured I'd just paste it here too. You probably know a lot of this already, because it's not like I'm a secretive person or anything, LOL.
I was tagged by Ken.
To do this, go to Notes under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, then click publish.
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I think you are an interesting person and would like to know more about you.
1. 5 of my Myspace/Facebook friends are ex-boyfriends
2. I was an extra on the Mickey Mouse Club
3. I auditioned for the Nickelodeon show Fifteen and made it through several cuts, and then was booted in the very last one.
4. I’m a military brat. I was born in Germany and have lived in England, Nevada and 3 parts of Florida.
5. The scariest and best thing that ever happened to me was getting pregnant with Casey
6. I once did a speil for Ron Howard. He was on my Kongfrontation tram at Universal back in the early 90s.
7. I might be allergic to aspirin
8. 25 is a lot of things
9. I had a boyfriend for a couple of months when I was well into my pregnancy, and every time I felt the baby kick and put his hand on my stomach, she’d stop moving. We ran into him several years later and he made a joke about how he expected her to stand really still when he said hello to her.
10. I have met very few musicals I didn’t love
11. I was a drama geek in high school, and I have never enjoyed anything as much as I enjoyed performing in plays.
12. I wrote a one act play when I was 19. Casey is named after the main character.
13. I also wrote a script for Mad About You and sent it in, hoping to get a job as one of their writers. Although it got good reviews among friends, I obviously didn’t get the job.
14. I had a mad teenage crush on Ric Moranis
15. I was a huge Freddy Kruger fan as a kid, but watched one of the movies as an adult and thought it was ridiculous.
16. Buffy The Vampire Slayer is the best TV show ever created. The movie, however, sucked a lot.
17. I have a pretty nasty phobia of things that go boom (balloons, fireworks, pyro, etc). Like, panic attack inducing fear. Also, toasters and biscuit cans make me nervous.
18. I wasn’t going to do this meme because I didn’t think I could come up with 25 things. But then I thought of one thing and then another, and the next thing you know, here we are at #18. I probably like to talk about myself a little too much.
19. I hated Facebook at first, but have since become rather addicted
20. I am a huge TV addict, but then you probably knew that. I particularly can’t wait for the Dollhouse premier.
21. I dated a guy for a few months in college who ended up stalking me after I dumped him (ask Ken, he was there. Hi Ken!). He memorized my schedule so that he could attend my classes, wait for me by my car, and remind me constantly that we were meant to be together and that I would eventually see that it was true. He followed me around and threatened suicide a lot. He showed up at my house when I wasn’t home so he could talk to my parents about me and why I was being so difficult. He called my friends too. I came thisclose to filing a restraining order, but then he suddenly stopped.
22. In the 16 ½ years I’ve worked at Universal, I’ve had 12 different jobs. I was laid off from 3 of them (the 3rd one happened 9 days ago).
23. One of my best friends from 7th grade died a few years later of a brain tumor (I’d moved away by then and didn’t know why she’d stopped writing until someone finally told me)
24. Almost every single male friend I had growing up eventually came out of the closet.
25. I am the opposite of graceful