Dec 19, 2008 20:03
So we drove for an hour in terrible traffic on a toll road (and hello, toll roads aren't supposed to be bumper to bumper because we are PAYING THEM to make our drive faster) and the dance was full by the time we got there, at 6:30 (it started at 7). I was told that some of the kids waiting in line had been there since 5. Wow. Must be some dance. Casey and Brianna said they are perfectly willing to stand outside for 2 hours for the next one in January, so I may just leave work half an hour early and get them there between 5 and 5:30. Erg. I think the traffic thing was a fluke due to the holidays. We had to drive on the Turnpike most of the way, and people are probably heading out of town now that the kids are out of school.
The girls decided to hang out at Briana's house tonight, so I still got my night at home to myself. But how frustrating! I'm hoping that after I drove the girls around for 2 hours, Bri's parents will take mercy and drop Casey off at home when she's ready. I don't want to get back in the car anytime soon.
The things we do for our kids! SIGH
We witnessed a nasty accident on the way to the non-dance. It was so crazy - this car was behind me just driving along, doing around 70 mph (this was before we hit that awful traffic) and then they suddenly turned a sharp right and went off the road. It was this sudden right angle shot, like someone had grabbed the wheel or something. The car went up an embankment on the side of the road and then flipped about 3 times and landed upside-down. I called 911, which was loads of fun. First my phone died on me in the middle of our conversation (bad reception in that area). Then when I called back and told them what happened, they just mumbled something and transferred me to highway patrol. That guy mumbled at me too and then put me on hold. So I hung up. I had already repeated myself several times. They had the information they needed, and I didn't want to be driving on the turnpike trying to talk on the phone and deal with those asshats (I tried to get Bri or Casey to call since I was driving, but the idea of calling 911 freaked them both out). Jeez. Anyway, when we were heading back home we passed the accident scene. There was a cop there and a toe truck lifting the car, which was pretty messed up. I hope nobody got hurt too badly. I'll have to keep an eye out for news snippets tomorrow.
stupid people