The weather has finally cleared up around here. I don't think it rained at all yesterday, although now it's crazy hot and humid out there.
So, Saturday evening I took Casey to Nikki's house for her sleepover while I kidnapped her mom for our dinner at Olive Garden. They have reorganized their living room, and I found it quite amusing. They are a family of gamers, especially World of Warcraft. So now every family member (2 adults, 3 kids) has their own computer desk and computer. Their living room looks like a call center. I walked in there with Casey and everyone was sitting at their own desk, wearing headphones and playing various games. LOL, I was like "Nice nerd room, Jean".
So we met up with April, Jeff, Rose, Julie, a friend of hers I'd never met, Trizonna, Aartee, Renee, and Beth at Olive Garden for a lovely dinner. It might have been the last time I'll ever see Aartee, since she's moving to Georgia. I'm hoping she'll visit though. *cries*
After dinner I went home and pretty much got right to bed.
Sunday was a long, grueling day at work. The kind of day that reinforces my decision to quit that job. Which I did. My last day is a week from Sunday. YUS. I also worked on getting rid of some of my hours for next weekend (remember, they wanted me to work 11 hours on both days). I did manage to unload Sunday altogether, but I'm still stuck with Saturday's schedule. I thought I'd given away the morning portion of that too, but the supervisor turned it down because it would give the other girl overtime. No, it wouldn't put her over 40 hours, but apparently she's not supposed to go over 36. Weird. One girl is considering taking my 3-8 shift, and is going to call and let me know. But either way, at least I have Sunday off.
The following week, which will be my last, I had asked for Saturday off. I'm going to Lydiana's bachelorette party that Friday and didn't want to have to get up at the crack of dawn and go work all day on my feet afterwards. Well, I didn't request it off soon enough and they gave me an 8-8 shift. SIGH. So I'm going to try to unload that too. I'm not very hopeful... people aren't usually anxious to pick up 12 hour shifts. The next day they just gave me a nice, easy 7-11 shift. Nice of them to finally show me some mercy on my last day.
So yesterday morning they had put me in a rotation that included bag check, which I am still not trained on. DUH. How many times have I had to tell them that? So they switched me with someone else who was on something THEY weren't trained on, and I spent my first shift checking guests in on podium. During my break I went back to the office to put in my 2 weeks notice, and while I was doing that the supervisor sent someone to go get me some cake for my birthday (this was the first time I'd worked since then). They brought me back two slices of this amazing chocolate cake. I ate one and brought the other home for Casey. That was really nice of them. Also, later on they gave me a pencil case of various school supplies for Casey. Cool. They're good people there, even though they try to kill me with their schedules.
I had a 2 hour break between shifts, and I spent it all driving. I had to pick Casey up from Nikki's and take her home, which is a long drive anyway, but it didn't help that I got in the wrong lane and ended up on the Turnpike at one point. That took me a little out of the way before the next exit. Blerg. Casey almost fell asleep in the car on the way home... I'm sure 2 sleepovers in a row, with another birthday party in between will wear you out. She said she was going to take a nap when she got home. I was jealous, LOL. I got back to work with about 10 minutes to spare, so I put the seat back in my car and relaxed a little.
Then I spent the next 4 hours doing surveys. Because there were only 2 of us scheduled to do them, we each had to do 15. UGH. I guess the bright side is, almost everyone loves that place so the answers are almost all Excellent. Once I got my surveys done, I had to stand at the back door until the park was clear, which took about 20 minutes. Then I was in charge of the wheelchairs and strollers, which was a lot of work for one person. There were around 20 of them that needed to be parked in the "sky closet" (so named because it only has a partial roof), then cleaned and then covered. By the time I finished that I was a big ball o' sweat. Ick.
I went home and immediately jumped in the shower, put in my PJs, had some leftovers from Olive Garden for dinner and then relaxed. I was SO exhausted, I was not about to do anything that required moving for the rest of the night.
Here at my real job, the trailer we work in is absolutely swarming with ants. I've been one of the lucky ones who has only seen a couple in my cubicle, but other people are being overrun with the little bastards. The weather must be stirring them up. I have a ton of them on the front of my house too. They aren't getting in, thank God, but there are thousands of them marching all around my front door. Tonight I'm going to stop and get some spray.
Here are some pics from the birthday parties Casey and I attended this past weekend.
Mike's dinner
Danielle's sleepover birthday party - Briana, Dani, Bana, Casey and Elise
Bana's "crazy hat" birthday party
She's holding the gifts we gave her here... stuffed puppy, Hollywood video gift card, and the card, which she apparently liked even more than the gifts, was a dog on the toilet and then it says "Don't be a party pooper".
Rock stars. That's Casey's Sprite pillow. I don't know why she brought it to the party, LOL
Disha, Danielle and Casey