(no subject)

Aug 05, 2008 12:17

The plan was to stop for gas and a few groceries after work last night, but when I got to the gas station I realized I didn't have my debit card. Thank goodness I had $9 cash on me, because I was below the E. So I put that much in, went home and discovered my card in the pocket of the capris I wore Saturday (DOH) and then went back out. Put $10 more in my gas tank ($3.77 a gallon... not bad compared to what it has been lately), got $30 worth of groceries (which isn't much at Publix. I was planning to go to Walmart, but Publix is much closer to home, and since I had to stop there...) and got $10 cash back. This leaves me with about $0 in the bank. Still, $10 in my pocket, a little food in the house and 1/2 tank of gas is better than I've been doing some weeks lately. But of course, now Casey is asking to go to the movies with Elise tomorrow. Erg. I'm glad I'm getting a decent check from Sea World to go with my Universal one Friday (SW pays every other week, UO weekly). And that Casey will soon be out of town for a few days and therefore won't have her hand out all the time. Ha.


Me: Want to see the birthday card I got for Aunt Alice? It's a silly one, but I think she likes cheese.
Casey: I don't like cheese. Unless it's string cheese.
Me: I wasn't talking about food.
Casey: What do you mean?
Me: Cheese. You know, a cheesy card.
Casey: Oh. You confuse me with your words.


Casey: You aren't a real mom
Me: What???
Casey: You're not a normal mom
Me: I'm better than a normal mom
Casey: I know. That's what I mean. You act like a teenager.
Me: Pretty much

And then we watched the Teen Choice Awards together.


I had a research clinic appointment today, and I was sure I was going to have a significant weight gain. I've been too focused on other things to worry about what I was eating and too tired to exercise. Nope, lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks. WUT?

gas prices, money, weight, study, kids say the darndest things, duh momnets

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