This morning I volunteered with some co-workers at
Destiny Foundation. It really put my financial trouble in perspective. My fridge may be almost empty, but I do have food. I have a house and a car. I have cable and a cell phone and a DVR and a computer. I have income coming in. I have it better than a lot of people.
We got a tour of the place, and then we were put to work. Everyone who had been there last week was saying "Whatever you do, don't sort clothes. Sort food instead." Well, it turns out we didn't get a choice, and I ended up with clothes. It wasn't THAT bad, just kind of icky. The clothes weren't exactly the cleanest, and there were even a couple of pairs of underwear in my pile. Ick. We just had to sort them, put them on hangers and then another group was taking them out to the thrift shop and putting them up. After an hour or two of that, they came and asked for 2 volunteers to help in the office. My hand shot up. Anything to get off my feet and away from the nasty clothes. Renee and I sat and folded brochures for 1/2 hour, then they fed us boxed lunches, we took a group picture, and we were done. I got to my desk at around 1.
Just now I met with the head of the team member crisis assistance program. She was extremely nice, but couldn't help me. She said I have to be in trouble because of some specific crisis, not because I ran up my credit cards or went to the movies too many times.
Whatever, it's what I expected. I'm at that middle point where I can't keep up, but I make too much money for anyone to take me seriously or want to help. So I'm on my own. I'll handle it. Like I said, this morning gave me some perspective. I'm grateful for what I DO have, and someday maybe I can stop drowning.