(no subject)

May 07, 2008 09:34

Casey has suddenly become very interested in Japanese culture (they are learning about it in Social Studies). On Friday she plans to dress in that style, for no real reason other than she feels like it (um... I'm not sure what she owns that would work, but okay). And she came home yesterday with words written on her arms in Japanese. She said she's trying to learn the language and alphabet ("And you didn't have paper?", "Yeah, I have paper. Why?", "SIGH"). Today she has words like "Speed", "Cheetah", etc on her arm for her track meet, to intimidate the other team. She's a strange child, LOL.


Stephen Colbert/Rain dance off = EPIC WIN


I watched about 30 minutes of No Country For Old Men last night before Casey came home from Girl Scouts and I had to turn it off. I'm not sure if I want to bother finishing it though. It's boring and a little too much with the gratuitous violence. It reminds me of Fargo, which I hated. I don't necessarily mind violence in the right context, but if it's just some guy wandering around killing people I'm not interested. I knew what I was getting into when I added it to my Netflix queue, but I got curious because so many people loved it. Meh, I don't know.


WTF Jason Castro? GO HOME. I'm so over him at him at this point. It's obvious he doesn't give a fuck anymore. He and Sayehsa switched places. She was never very impressive to me before, but I have really liked her these past few weeks (still doesn't beat my Davids though). On the other hand I used to love Jason, but if he doesn't go home tonight I'm going to throw something at the TV.


Reaper is getting funnier every week. Some people probably think it's gotten too silly, but we like it that way. I wasn't digging the whole demon support group trying to destroy the devil by being nice thing (WTF?), but overall I'm digging the show lately.


And finally - I adore R Kelly impersonator on TDS.

movies, no country for old men, tds, reaper, casey's style, tcr, casey's hobbies, ai

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