Jan 17, 2008 09:48
I attempted another recipe from my Cooking For 2 magazine last night - spaghetti and meatballs. Actually, it was two recipes. First there's one for this meat mixture you can use in some of their other recipes. It's basically just ground beef, bread crumbs and some spices. In this case that was for the meatballs. They didn't come out good though. The recipe says to cook them in a skillet, but it's beyond me how you can cook meatballs in a skillet (or anywhere, really) without having them burned on the outside before they are cooked in the middle. Which is basically what happened to me, and they came out crunchy and kinda nasty. So I ended up throwing out the meatballs, grabbing another serving of that meat mixture (recipe makes 4 servings... I have one in the fridge for a meatloaf I plan to make tonight and another in the freezer for whatever) and threw it in the skillet with some spaghetti sauce and made regular spaghetti instead. That actually came out pretty good. They aren't kidding when they say these are recipes for two, though. It makes a really small amount. But I guess that's good. Not so much leftovers. But the way Casey usually eats spaghetti, that wouldn't have been enough. She wasn't that hungry last night though.
While I slaved over a hot stove, the dog and the child both made things fun for me. Casey kept complaining about her math homework and how there were problems she couldn't figure out. I told her to just skip them and then when I had a minute I'd look at it. Well, when I did get the chance to look, they were easy. One was "What's 8% of 130?" and right next to it in the book it showed how to figure that out. Not only that, but she'd already done other problems just like it. So I don't get why that one was such a problem (maybe the one digit thing threw her off and she didn't know where to put the decimal?). I told her that and she was like "It's just HARD", but would never tell me what part of it she wasn't getting. Then she was just like "Forget it, I'll do it myself. You don't understand what I'm having trouble with." and I told her yeah, that's because you aren't TELLING me. SIGH. I guess she managed to do it herself though. She was just being lazy.
And then there was Willow, who kept barking at me like she always does when I cook (I've set the fire alarm off before and she hates it, so everytime I cook she freaks out. It's not my fault, the alarm is just in a bad place and all I have to do is open the oven and it goes off. So now I take the battery out of the alarm every time I cook. It's such a pain in my ass, and I still get barked at), and then she ended up grabbing Casey's hot dog (to tide her over until I was done cooking, jeez) off the table and it bounced off the new WHITE dining room chair and got ketchup on it. Luckily it came right off. And then later she stole a slice of buttered bread I'd left on the table when I got up to grab something from the kitchen. SIGH, and I had just been yelling at Casey for leaving that hot dog too close to the edge of the table so she could jump and get it.
Basketball try outs continue today, and she should find out whether or not she made it by the time they are done. She really had fun yesterday, even though she said it was hard work. She was excited about going back today. Hopefully she won't be disappointed. I don't know... she's never played basketball a day in her life (except maybe in PE), but she is tall for her age, so that could help. And at least in this case, there's a 6th grade team (the others sports don't have that, and 6th graders rarely get picked). Who knows? We'll see.
I've been watching the Colbert Report lately and really liking it. I started DVRing it out of curiosity to see what he'd do without writers and it's been good. I'm kind of in love with Stephen. How adorable is he? Casey likes it too. I put it on yesterday while she was doing homework, thinking she wouldn't be interested in it so it wouldn't distract her. Wrong, she couldn't stop watching it. She also tries to get me to let her watch The Daily Show (I watch that live, and that's too late for her to be up). The fact that she likes those shows either says something about her maturity or about Jon and Stephen's maturity. LOL, maybe they meet somewhere in between.
I was not really interested in that new Terminator show, but ended up DVRing it just for the hell of it. I put on the first episode last night and now I'm actually kind of interested. Well, I didn't watch enough TV before, so this helps. LOL
As for American Idol, alright already. Enough with the auditions. I don't know why they have to drag it out so long. I heard on the radio this morning that it's not going to get down to the final 12 until March. MARCH. WTF?