Last night was pretty busy. I still haven't done anything for the garage sale, but then again I do have Friday off, and I was pretty much busy non-stop last night, so it's not like I just got lazy and sat on my butt.
I picked Casey up about 20 minutes late from gymnastics because of traffic. Bleh, I guess there was construction or some crap. Oh well. Then when we got home, I discovered that Willow had
pooped... which is fine, because it was on the pads I had put down for her. But she had also stepped in it and tracked it all over the place. There were little doggie shit prints all over the kitchen floor and the stairs. SIGH, so I was on my hands and knees for a while, and not in a good way, LOL. Then I got some laundry going, made meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner, helped Casey with her homework, put away the dishes from the dishwasher, finished putting away the clean laundry, and made Casey clean up the table (she is really good at covering it with shit). That last thing was probably the hardest, since I had to repeat myself 20 times before it got done. I swear, if that kid doesn't remove the word "Wait!" from her vocabulary I'm going to kill her.
While all this was going on, we watched How I Met Your Mother, Aliens In America (not sure how I feel about this yet. The first episode almost turned me off with their whole "racism is so funny, isn't it?" angle. But that Raja kid is very endeering, and also HI LUKE from GG! And - "If I were a desert island and I could only have one thing on me, I would want you on me" FTW, LOL), Chuck (love it) and then I sent Casey on her way and watched Boston Legal and the Daily Show, read a bit and went night night at around mignight.
Also last night, Casey told me that she has been accepted into this mentorship program at the school. She will be mentoring an elementary school kid for 1/2 hour before school each Wednesday. At first I groaned because she has to be dropped off at the elementary school at 8:15 and then she needs to get from there to the middle school at 8:45 (can't they provide transportation? Nooooo), but then I remembered that the schools are literally right across the street from each other and there's a crossing guard, so I guess it's okay for her to walk to school so I don't have to wait around and then be late for work. Still, I get to deal with crazy traffic when I drop her off at the elementary school, but I think it's worth it because this will be good for her. Even if she's the one doing the mentoring, she's going to benefit. She needs to improve her social skills and learn to be more responsible, and I'm hoping this will help. The letter she gave me says the acitivities will include reading, tutoring, social skills, group discussions on social awareness, and middle school transitioning. Ha, she just started middle school and she's already supposed to help a 5th grader with it? Still, it seems like a good program.
This morning I had my research clinic appointment. I've gained 2 pounds. SIGH, I know I know... I'm supposed to be going the other way. Maybe mother nature is a tiny bit to blame for the gain, but I've also been eating really bad crap. I just have to suck it up and behave. I'm going back in 3 weeks, and I just have to keep reminding myself how great it will be to happily get on that scale and see all the weight loss, as opposed to cringing and then trying to explain why I suck. They did give me some cool recipes I'm going to try and some measuring cups. They also said that at my 1 year visit, which is in a couple of months, I get $100. Wee. I have to wait to get the majority of the money when the study is over in a year, but it will be nice to get a little bonus right before the holidays.