It's a gorgeous day! I just left Casey at the neighborhood picnic (Christine said she'd keep an eye on her) so I could come home and do some laundry and stuff. It was nice to sit out in the sun for a couple of hours, though.
My floor installation is finally set up and paid for. My mom contributed a little less than half (I'm so lucky to have her) and I split the rest between my credit card and my bank account. Ow. I really don't know how I'm going to pay the mortgage this month now. It'll work out though, even if it means paying the late fee so I can use another paycheck. But yeah, they are supposed to call me when they have the stuff, and then there's going to be a lot of work to do, because I have to box up all my movies, CDs, etc. and get everything off the floor. I think I'm just going to take a day off to work on it right before they come. My mom said she'd help too, so that's good.
Casey had a good time at the birthday party yesterday. I didn't pick her up until around 8. She kept going on and on about how RICH the family was and all the cool stuff they had. She said "compared to their house, ours is a piece of crap." How very sweet of her. I told her we are happy with what we have, and we don't need to compare ourselves to others.
Also, Casey had some of the pork I'd made when she got home last night and she loved it as much as I did, so yay. It's actually made with pasta that you are supposed to eat with it, but I ended up deciding to just hold onto that and make spagghetti with it. Because that's really all it is, spagghetti with no sauce. The pork is fine on its own. We'll probably have leftovers for dinner tonight, but it's nummy so that's fine with me.
So, I read a page or two of my new book, Unwound, last night before bed (it's all I could manage before my eyes closed themselves), and that combined with the episode of Medium I'd watched gave me nightmares. I dreamed that the author of the book was this insane guy who stalked his readers. He demanded that you read his book all the time and tell him what you thought, and do other things too, but I forget what. LOL. It was scary.
And then this morning was loads of fun, but not so much. Last night, Casey asked if she could save her shower for this morning because she was tired. For some reason I did a dumb thing and said that was okay. I should know better! So this morning, she refused to get out of bed for the longest time. I mean, she wouldn't even open her eyes until I threatened to put peanut butter on her and get the dog to lick it off. So then she's all "Just give me 4 more minutes and I promise I'll be fast." Okay, so I give her 4 minutes, and then she gets in the shower and is in there forEVER. And she locked the door, so all I could do was pound on it every now and then and yell about how she needed to move her butt. 9 AM rolls around, which is what time we were supposed to BE at church, and she's still in the shower. By the time we got there, it was half over. GR. I would not be surprised if she did it on purpose, since she hates church. I should have just taken her to a later one and made her miss the picnic or something.
After church was Dennys with my parents, and then we went to Ashley's furniture store to look at beds for Casey. She chose a bunk bed that has a double on the bottom and a twin on top. It's going to be a birthday present from my parents. OMG, this sales guy jumped on us the second we walked in the door and followed us around like a vulture, even after my mom said she wasn't buying anything today, and we were just looking. Sheesh. But yeah, there's another household project - getting rid of her current captain's bed and then putting together the new one. The problem with a captain's bed is that it's all one piece, so it's very large and heavy. When we first put it up there, it was a bitch to get up the stairs (which are in an L shape, so that was part of the problem), and we ended up damaging the wall. So we're thinking the best thing to do is to just chop it up and throw it out. I hate to waste it, but I don't think anyone would want it anyway, and it would just be so much easier that way.
After looking at beds, Casey and I headed to the community picnic. She and her friends spent a lot of time in the bounce house while I chatted with some people. Then I got kinda bored and needed to do stuff here, so I took off. And now I'm chatting with Chris and we're making plans for later on. Busy day!
Oh, here's a picture of the girls taking a break from the bounce house at today's picnic.