Casey’s tooth was still bothering her when I picked her up yesterday, so she skipped softball practice. She’s not going to tomorrow’s game anyway because of her gymnastics meet. Anyway, she said she went to the school nurse, who just told her that the tooth was loose, but not ready to come out yet. Der. That’s what I said too. She didn’t complain about it again for the rest of the night or this morning, so I’m not too worried. If it really starts to bother her, maybe I’ll take her to the dentist. We are overdue for a cleaning and checkup anyway, but as much work as I’ve been missing lately for this and that, I don’t want to add anything. I’m thinking we’ll go in December.
So, instead of going to practice, she did a little errand running with me. First we went to the church so I could sign her up for guitar lessons. That starts today at 4, so my dad is going to take her. She’s totally psyched. Anyway, then she needed a guitar (might help), so we went to Target and I got her a kid’s starter one. It comes with a book that is supposed to teach you how to play, some picks and a tuning pipe. I took guitar for a semester in high school and I was never able to figure out how to tune a guitar. I apparently have no ear for that stuff. Hopefully she’ll be better at it.
We also grabbed some roach baits at the store. For the last few days, I have been seeing a bunch of little tiny bugs in my shower. I think they are baby roaches, because they look like roaches, but are the size of ants. I don’t want to meet mama and daddy. So I put 2 of the baits in the bathroom last night. This morning I saw one of the little bastards on the wall in the bathroom, but that’s it. None in the shower. Those baits are GOOD.
Hey, The Office was back last night! I loved it even though it hurt my heart a couple of times. Jim and Ed Helms’ character were amazing. I loved their duet performance.
George was cuter than ever on Greys. “I am the pig. I am… the pig.” LOL
The OC is back. Woo! That first episode was really dark. But I sure do love me some Seth. And OMG BRIGHT ABBOT! I forgot he was going to be on there now. Wee.
Oh, when I left work last night there was this amazing sunset. I took a picture and it's really pretty, but it was so much better in person. And there's Dueling Dragons. Yep, I walk past that coaster on my way to and from my office every day and I get to hear all the screaming. Ha.
This morning was the award ceremony in Casey’s classroom. She was the only kid in the whole class to get all As! That shows even more how hard she worked for it. I’m very proud of her. Here’s a picture of her with her teacher. My dad told him he looked so young, he thought he was some college student there to help and not the actual teacher. His reply was “Thanks. I moisturize.” LOL. No wonder the kids think he’s funny. Oh, and I love how she's holding her coupon for free ice cream in front of the certificate. DOH! About that... the kids who got As and Bs got certificates for a free kid's meal at Longhorn steakhouse. Casey got a coupon for a 1/2 galloon of ice cream. Um. Something isn't right there. I wonder if he was supposed to give her both. Oh well. Not a big deal.
I like the way he’s posing. Because if you are taking a picture with a kid in a Pirates t-shirt and skull bandana, you gotta pose cool. LOL
I am way behind in LJ. I’ve been… GASP… busy at work, so I haven’t been able to read anything in days. I haven’t been to any of my LJ communities in at least a month. Oh well. I’ll catch up someday. Maybe. Don’t post anymore and maybe I can do it. LOL