Very Miscellaneous Post

Oct 30, 2006 12:22

Happy Halloween Eve! Although, isn't Halloween an eve? All Hallow's Eve. Whatever.

Today I had the following message on Myspace from a complete stranger:

"all i need is you, beautifull, sexy and cute. When can we chat, or can i see you this week? let me know
I 'll see you sweet girl."

Um, alright. No.

Check out the comic strip Casey made and sent me:>


Last night I set the time on the alarm clock, but didn't bother to turn it on. DER. Fortunately, I woke up right on time. Weird. I think the time change helped, because I don't see myself just waking up at 7:40 AM under normal circumstances.

I'm exhausted today. Don't know why. I got about 8 hours of sleep last night. Hm.

Dinner tonight with Gail and Eliana. Cool.

Yesterday I got the house fairly clean. It smells good too, because I got one of those Febreeze plug in things. You know those annoying commercials where people keep sniffing and going "NICE"? Yeah, that one. And I keep doing that now. LOL.

I was giving some thought to how overwhelmed I've been feeling in regards to the housework, and I came up with a plan. The rule has always been that Casey does not get an allowance, but if she chooses to help me out around the house, I'll pay her. Well, she usually chooses to sit on her ass while I do it all, and that's why I can't keep up. So I've decided that from now on, she gets a weekly allowance and she does chores. Neither of those are negotiable. I am going to put together a list of weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly chores and let her choose half of them. From now on, she doesn't do anything on the weekends until it's done. And besides, she's constantly asking me to buy her things, so if she's earning her own money she can get it herself.

This morning I had my echo cardiogram redo. Dammit. This one better take. Then I spoke to one of the doctors (nurses? Not sure.), who said she noticed in my medical records that I had once taken Wellbutrin. She said if I'd been on any depression meds within the past 2 years I was not eligible. I told her I couldn't remember exactly when I'd taken it, and she all but told me to just say it was 2 years ago. I actually think it was anyway. So I said that, and I told her that I wasn't taking it for depression. I was taking it for weight loss, as an appetite suppressant. Anyway, they get the results of today's test in about 9 days, and then I will get to go in and start on the meds and meet with the counselor. I will be spending an hour with her, talking about my lifestyle so she can come up with a plan that is catered to me. Yay.

Hey, guess what! I got pictures from Friday!

Okay, so I have to admit that there were a few pictures in there that made me look horribly awful. They need to be taped to my fridge. But of course, I'm only posting the ones that I look moderately cute in. LOL

Also, you'll notice that the girls were the only ones cool enough to dress up. The guys were being punks and didn't. Except Ryan, who was Clark Kent and you couldn't even tell he was dressed up, because he just wore a suit and glasses. Punk.

Melanie as an evil bride or something, and me

Melanie, Ryan, Christine and me

This is Tony. I barely know him. In fact, when he showed up I was already sloshed and said to Christine (loud enough for him to hear) "do we know this guy?" and then I found out we'd met before. Nice.

I'm a pretty crappy nurse if I think that's where Jason's heart is.

Me, sampling Jason's Scotch at his urging. Blech.

And him drinking it like it's water, because he's a damn alcoholic. LOL

Ryan as Clark Kent. Okay, that was funny because as far as we knew, he just had on a suit and glasses. He was kind of embarrassed that our group was almost the only people dressed up downtown, so he was glad he wasn't that obvious. And then at one point, someone opened his shirt and we all freaked out. I was like "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Leave it open!" But he wouldn't. Poo.

Okay, we have no idea who this guy is. Remember how I said we were almost the only people dressed up? Well, we'd get excited when we saw people in costume. But especially this guy, since he's a doctor. We all started screaming at him to get over there and take a picture with me, so he did and then he took off. LOL

This is Mick. Mick looks exactly like Alan Cummings, IMO. He's also the guy I drunk made out with like 2 months ago. LOL

Tony and Mick (Um, why is he holding his leg?), and me, deciding I must be a part of this lovely picture.

A random drunk girl who felt the need to get a picture with the naughty nurse

Striking a drunk pose

Me and Jason


pics, party time, health, creepy guys, christine, ryan, halloween, tony, study, jason, mick, myspace, melanie

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