I'm feeling fairly shitty today. That sore throat is still lingering, although it's really just irritated. My nose is running and I feel kind of sick. I haven't eaten yet. I'm hungry, but don't feel like eating if that makes any sense. So I'm not too sure about going out tonight. I'll just have to see how the day goes. Casey's sore throat is gone, so that's good.
Oh, and I have this REALLY painful sore in my mouth. Whine.
I have a meeting with Todd at 10. Yick. It's actually a combination of 2 of our regular meetings, neither of which makes me happy. One is the month end book meeting, where he looks through the binders I have put together of the reports I have to collect. It's just me watching him flip through them, which is kind of awkward. The second one is our quarterly touchbase, where we sit down and talk about how I'm doing, how he's doing as a boss, where I want to go career-wise and how I'm getting there. He's very cool about supporting you in whatever you want to do... he knows I'm interested in moving to Sales and Marketing, and he asks me how the interviews are going and tells me to feel free to come see him if I need advice or help getting feedback. Which is great, but I've got it. I don't really want to have a meeting every 3 months to talk about it. Bah. Whatever.
Had a lovely time with one of my bestest buddies
freckles40 last night. She just moved back to town after being away for 2 years, so I'm happy. The plan was to go to a free screening of Steve Carell's Little Miss Sunshine. Yeah, that didn't quite work out. It was first come, first serve. We got there 45 minutes before the show, and the plan was to get the tickets, go get something fast to eat and come back. Well, they weren't giving out tickets. Once the seats were full, they were just full. At that time it was totally dead, so we thought no way was it going to fill up. So we went to Crispers and had some delicious dinner. We probably should have gone somewhere faster, because halfway through our meal, we had to box everything up and run back over. And guess what? The theater filled up right when we got there. Damn. I heard that was a good movie, and it's not showing here anymore. DVD, maybe? Poo.
So we criminals just walked right into another theater, where My Super Ex-Girlfriend was showing in about 1/2 hour. So yeah, I switched one Office star for another. We just chilled out, ate the rest of our dinner and chatted while we waited.
The movie was ridiculous. And hilarious. LOL. We laughed a lot. And hey, naked Luke Wilson ass. Which was NICE. Uma was great at playing a crazy superhero. And I loved Luke's reactions to her. He can crack you up just with a facial expression. I think I love Rainn Wilson. He was so adorable in the movie. And he was sitting on an exercise ball at one point. I don't know if that was on purpose or not, but I was waiting for Jim to come pop it with his scissors.
Oh, and there was TONS of sex. I'm pretty sure this is how the concept of the movie happened - a bunch of people got stoned together and then one guy said "Hey. I wonder what it would be like to do a super hero?" Because that's such a big theme in the movie. I'm glad I didn't take Casey. LOL. And something I found really funny was that when Uma was not being the superhero, she wore a brown wig. Then when she takes it off and you see her blond hair, suddenly people would realize she was G-Girl. Nobody recognized her because her hair was a different color. LOL. Like when Superman puts on glasses, he's Clark Kent and nobody can tell the difference. So they spoofed on that kind of thing.
Anyway, after that I picked Casey up from my parents' house and we got home at around 10:45. She lost a tooth at some point during the day, because she handed it to me in a bag and was quite proud. It's funny because she recently lost one right next to that one, so now she has this big gaping hole on the side of her mouth. Oh, and I almost forgot to do the Tooth Fairy thing. I was in bed getting ready to fall asleep and then I was like OH SHIT and ran downstairs. So as I'm switching out the tooth and the money, naturally Willow starts barking at me. DOH. Lucky for me Casey is a heavy sleeper.
Anyway, I was up kinda late last night because I just HAD to watch It's Always Sunny In Philly. Which was funny, as always. I'll tell you the highlights, even though you won't really get it if you didn't see it. But maybe SOMEONE out there watches it.
-Dee telling her brother he has a fat face, and then when he's trying to talk to her she keeps yelling "Fat. Fat. Fatface."
-Dee going to confession to reveal to the priest that she's in love with him (which she isn't... just wants him to like her so she'll know she's still got it). So he's trying to ignore that and tell her to say 5 Hail Mary's or whatever and she interrupts him and goes "Wait." and he says "Yes?" and she whispers "I looove youuuuu." LOL.
-Charlie preaching. "To sum it up, if you love God, you get nice shoes."
-The crazy old man yelling "The cats are brown!"
I also had to watch Big Brother, which my dad taped for me. I was afraid I would hear who got voted off today, so I didn't want to wait to watch it.
Not sure how I feel about Jase getting voted out. I agree with Will (what? never thought I'd say that) in that he went out too soon. I didn't like him being backdoored either, which is funny because on the season he was on, I loved that they did that to him. But I hated him then, and he seemed very different this season. Except for that tantrum. But whatever. So yeah, I wanted to see Will go. I hate to see everyone fall into his trap. Although they really don't seem to take him that seriously like they did in season 2. Maybe that's why I hate him a lot less. Jase and Will are probably the 2 BB players that I have hated the most, but I kinda like them both now. Just a little. I have a love/hate thing going on with Will at the moment.
Did anyone else laugh when Julie said something to James about how he backdoored Jase? I did. Because I'm 12.
That Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance is SO totally real. Jase barely even tried to cover it up when Julie asked him. Not sure why it needs to stay a secret. To protect Diane, maybe? And Jase said something about how he was going to stay at some beach and then go home. I saw rumblings in the BB7 community that maybe everyone was going to be sequestered on the jury and that it would be a big surprise twist we'd find out later. I wonder if that's what he meant and he kind of blew it. But they could have edited it out. I don't know.
I'm happy that Janie won HOH. I would like to see her win the game. If not her, maybe Howie or Kaysar.
So George was giving this whole speech to Diane about how he and his family made a lot of sacrifices so he could come back on the show, and how he was just trying to fulfill his dream. What dream? To sit in a house and win money? I can see someone saying that on American Idol or something... but I thought that was weird. And BTW, he looks totally creepy bald.
The America Votes thing is about the lamest thing ever. I mean specifically this vote. I think it's funny that they are going to wake the houeguests up with viewer messages, but to have us vote on how often they do it is just stupid.