Fireworks have been going off all over the place... we were surrounded. But they've just stopped. Hm. I bet it's not over. They haven't really bothered me yet, but just wait until I try to sleep. As it is, Casey is just going to sleep now. UGH... we have to LEAVE the house at 7:15 tomorrow. It's gonna be rough. But driving home, it was cool spotting fireworks all over the sky.
ACK... Casey is begging me to braid her hair now. She wants to sleep like that so it will be wavy in the morning. Yeah, you don't ask for that when it's 11 PM. And she's acting like it's a matter of life or death. Um. No.
The thing we went to was pretty cool. They had some carnival games and those blow up slides and bounce houses and stuff. They also had a dunk tank, and Casey got in it and was dunked 4 times. So yeah, she came home soaked. It all took place on the football field of the high school. I mostly sat in the bleachers while she ran around and played. I spotted her doing the YMCA and the Twist at one point. It's so unlike her to just dance in front of all those people. Maybe that acting class helped bring her out of her shell a bit.
Their performance was very good. They didn't really do any dances... they just lined up behind some microphones and sang some of the songs. Here are some pictures I took.
With her new best bud and sidekick for the evening, Leanna
At the Mics
Other than that, there were groups that did various scenes. We got some Footloose, Seussical, Annie, and others. It was pretty kewl.
Oh... giggle moment of the evening. Maybe you had to be there... but when we first arrived, the DJ must have been testing out some of his patriotic music, maybe for the fireworks or something. So Casey and I were whining to each other about how he wasn't playing fun dance music. And then Josh called to ask what time Casey was going to perform. Turns out he wasn't going to be able to make it in time and decided not to come. But it was funny, because we were sitting right by the DJ booth and the music would get quiet and we'd be talking, and then it would swell up REALLY loud. So Josh was trying to talk to me and then I'd go "WHAT?!?" and he'd go "GOD that music is loud!" and it just put me in hysterics. When he was about to go, he was like "Thanks for the obnoxious music." and laughed. Then I got off the phone with him and Casey was trying to tell me something, and the music kept getting too loud during her story and she'd make this annoyed face. Seriously. I was almost crying from the laughter. Yeah, like I said... you had to be there.
Speaking of Josh, I was just IMing with him and he may be taking us to Disney on Saturday to try out the new Animal Kingdom coaster and the refurbished Pirates ride. Squee! But he said he won't know for sure whether or not he's working until probably the day before, so I'm not going to tell Casey. It's better to surprise her than disappoint her.