Jun 07, 2006 16:03
You guys. If you aren't reading dooce.com, you have to start. Like now. OMG, that woman kills me.
From today's blog, in which she discusses some issues with her neighbor's landscaping:
"...One person was in charge of hauling out all the rocks, and while he was lifting up one of the tree stumps he stepped on a giant tarantula. Taran. Tula. While crushing it with his shovel another one crawled out from under a mass of weeds followed by two smaller tarantulas, perhaps its tarantula babies. We were destroying their lovely tarantula home where they had rested their wee tarantula heads.
Jon didn’t tell me about this until the day after it happened, which was incredibly smart on his part. If I had known about the tarantulas while the tarantulas were happening I would have gotten in the car and driven off the edge of the Earth."
A HA HA HA. Wee tarantula heads.