I've been wanting to do an extensive and long post about how some of my favorite film/TV couples are VERY similiar, and I'm still planning on it. However, I noticed yesterday on YouTube there seems to be a LOT of vids being made to the song "She is the Sunlight" by Trading Yesterday. The first was a mix of Lizzy/Darcy from "Pride and Prejudice" and "Becoming Jane." Next I found a Josh/Donna from "The West Wing" to it. Then Jim and Pam from "The Office" had one as well. Finally yesterday a new Jack and Kate from "Lost" was made. :) That's 4 of my favorite ships right there!!! :)
So I figured instead of starting out with a long write up about how these ships are similiar, why not show the vids by these talented vidders first and see if you all can notice some similarties. More so for those of you who don't watch the other shows/films. Sometimes all you need to notice something is similar is the images. ;) The catch is I don't want you to comment until you've watched all 4 vids and to see what you find in common.
Like I said before I'm still planning on doing posts about these couples, mostly likely staring with how Jack & Kate remind me of Josh/Donna and the same with Jim/Pam and Josh/Donna, and so on. ;) That way if you don't watch the other shows, I'll point out some of the storyline similarties.
Enjoy the vids and this beautiful song!!! :)
Jack and Kate - Made by
Carrielynne2323 Click to view
Josh and Donna - Made by
Smilelivelifeblovely Click to view
Jim and Pam - Made by
Lovingjackdawson Click to view
Lizzy and Darcy (as well as "Becoming Jane")- Made by
Akirehtur Click to view