It's Time to Make Those 2017 Lists!

Sep 25, 2017 11:02

Before you happily kick 2017 to the curb, remember the things that were actually good about it, such as Buffyverse fanworks!

Gifting your fellow fans some lovely items to start the coming year with is a great way to spread a little cheer to all those wonderful writers, artists, vidders, mods, and more who have given you something to smile (or maybe cry) about during 2017.

buffyversetop5 will reopen for its 2017 session on January 1, 2018 at midnight UTC (check that in your time zone) and will remain open through 6 PM GMT on January 16th.

So start checking your download folders, your tags, your bookmarks and memories to see what you enjoyed this year and what you want to make sure the Buffyverse community doesn't miss from 2017. If you want to help spread the news, several artists have made us starter treats to entice friends to the party. If you have any questions about the session, ask them here!
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