Mar 27, 2005 09:15
We at Alternate Universe Presents have been busy working on yet another "behind-the-scenes" surprise for Whedonverse and Beyond. We are excited to announce our newest guest, David Fury. You might recognize his name from his work on Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and this little known show called Lost!
The Furious One will be joining us for the full three day weekend of activities, including attendance at the "Smile Time" Meet and Greet and the "Happy Meals on Legs" Banquet.
He’ll be speaking about being part of the Whedonverse Hat Trick of Buffy, Angel and Firefly. Plus he’ll be talking about his latest venture, co-exec producer of Lost - and he’ll be gearing up for season 2 in July, folks, so get those questions ready!
AUP Crew