Title: Schlaf in Himmlischer Ruh 1/1
buffyaddict13 Fandom: Band of Brothers
Rating: PG-13
Words: ~3,700
Characters/Pairing: Gen, German Soldiers, Shifty Powers, Smokey Gordon, Earl "One Lung" McClung
Disclaimer: I don't own the Band of Brothers book or miniseries. This fic is based on an incident in the series and my crazy mind. I made it all up. Also,
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Comments 11
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thank you so very much! i was really nervous to post this! :D i'm so glad you liked it! \0/
1. My great-grandfather already died in 1940 (I think it was then) in France. This is a pretty sad story and always reminds me of how fucked up humans are. My great-grandma got a letter with the news that her husband died. I have it here, as proof :-). When the war was over a Kamerad of my great-granpa visited my great-granma and told her that her husband was shot in the stomach to bleed to death by his own people. Why?
Because he didn't want to send his own men into their death.
The visitor never told his name and left after he told the story, leaving behind their wedding band and my crushed great-grandma.
2. Oh and number two? My other great grandparents died in a KZ a few years later. Must have been a jolly good time.
*hugs you long time*
You made me feel all wibbly and sad about Hinkel.
I love stories told from unusual viewpoints, always have, 'the enemy' being no exception. (Well, you've read my own, way less dark or detailed; take on the same guys.) There's the same knack for backstory here that you've shown in other stories, and also, in this one, a real depth of research showing through which is very impressive.
The descriptions of the Easy guys and Hinkel's interpretations of their names are great, and that end really did completely catch me by surprise.
I know, I gush over everything you write, but it's all so damn awesome (in its original sense of inducing awe) and god, why aren't there more people like you?
*fist pump*
I love stories told from unusual viewpoints, always have, 'the enemy' being no exception. (Well, you've read my own, way less dark or detailed; take on the same guys.)
and i loved your fic. it gave me the seed of this idea. of course then i thought about turning hinkel into the guy who shot smokey while i was writing my speirs fic and i was all MUST FINISH SPEIRS FIRST but it worked out.
There's the same knack for backstory here that you've shown in other stories, and also, in this one, a real depth of research showing through which is very impressive.
THANK YOU. it took a while. i originally had a lot more german but took it out because i didn't want to make it too confusing or end up with 80 footnotes. i always felt bad for smokey but when i read that shifty and one lung went after the guy that shot him, i kind of felt bad for that german too. ugh. *shakes fist at war*
The descriptions of the Easy guys and Hinkel's interpretations of their names are great,that's one ( ... )
I had my worries for this boy right off. And,sadly, I was right. Again, beautifully, beautifully told, and gut-wrenchingly sad.
I love you and everything you write. Even grocery lists.
i'm pretty excited you're going to watch this again. :D and thank you for signing up for my bobpkg! you bet i'll send you one!
i loved the outside POV (and it being hinkel was so awesome)
and i love how human you made him. Especially with him only trying to wound the 'enemy' (which reminded me of one of the guys from WeWhoAreAlive&Reman who mentioned that he did that sort of thing if he had the chance)
the hinkel bit in that episode is one my favourite bits, and the fact that people still ask babe about hinkel makes me so happy and squishy ^^
on a side note, i kind of loved that you made Hinkel Lutheran & his family, the random german predjudice against lutherans is the reason im austrlian (my dads family fled germany just before world war one because of it ^__^ )
hee. my family is lutheran, my great-great grandparents came here in the 1870s. i'm glad your family got out of germany when it did.
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