Shadow in the Silver City 4/5

Jul 18, 2011 10:52

Title: Shadow in the Silver City 4/5
Author: buffyaddict13
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Firefly
Rating: PG-13 just to be safe
Characters/Pairings: 11th Doctor, River Tam, Jenny (the Doctor's daughter), OCs, glimpses of Serenity's crew as well as Amy and Rory Pond / gen
Words: 35,700 total
Summary: The Eleventh Doctor and his new friend River Tam board a ship based on the 1892 Chicago World's Fair. They arrive in answer to a distress call, but it's the Doctor who needs help.
Spoilers: Doctor Who: all of New Who through 6x04, The Doctor's Wife. Firefly: all episodes plus Serenity movie.
A/N 1: Several years ago I fell in love with the book Devil in the White City. I finally came up with a weird idea where I could pay homage to the Columbian Expo and River Tam in the same fic. I've written in many fandoms, but this is my first multi-chapter Doctor Who fic...that I actually finished. I hope you're not disappointed.
A/N 2: Endless thanks to my dearest jie-jie for the constant encouragement and mad beta skillz.

The Doctor springs to his feet and grips River's elbow. "I already lost one River to the Vashta Nerada," he says, "I'm not losing you." He turns to the others. "Everyone needs to listen to me right now. The Vashta will kill you all. We have to leave immediately." He puts his free arm around Jenny and steers his daughter and River toward the exit.

Jenny pulls free and steps out of the Doctor's reach. "But what are they?"

The Doctor releases River's elbow, checks his watch. "There's no time to explain."

Jenny lifts an eyebrow. "You're a Time Lord, Dad. Can't you, you know, make some?"

"Ha ha," the Doctor huffs, "very funny." He sighs. "The Vashta Nerada are the size of teeny-tiny dust particles that float around in the air." He presses his thumb and index finger together to indicate just how small they are. "Except they're not the kind of dust that covers your favourite knick-knacks, they're the kind of dust that consists of little piranhas with very big teeth. They eat whomever gets in their way, and I expect that means us. You just saw them eat an entire person in less than a second."

"Dear God," Greyssa breathes.

"So now we're fighiting microscopic cannibals instead of human sized ones?" Jenny asks. "How do you shoot specs of dust?"

"That's easy," the Doctor says, narrowing his eyes, "you don't."

River tugs on the Doctor's sleeve. "Don't hide your light under a bushel. Shepherd's book said so."

The Time Lord smiles thinly. "Oh, I won't," he says. "I'm feeling very lighty at the moment." He points to the frightened Kroatans at the flight controls. "We need to get this ship away from the station, away from the planet. Because once the Vastha Nerada are through with Silver City, they'll just keep going."

Devon shrugs. "The planet is mostly unpopulated."

"Mostly doesn't count," the Doctor says sharply. "And once the Vashta get there it will definitely be unpopulated." He turns to Greyssa, runs his hand frantically through his hair. "You wouldn't happen to have a little girl named Charlotte Lux tucked away in your Cabinet of Curiosities, would you?"

Greyssa gives him a blank look. "Who?"

The Doctor sighs. "Never mind. It was worth a try. Okay, time to get this ship moving. The Vashta are great at hitching rides, but they can't traipse about in space all on their own. They still need a ship." He gestures toward the flight controls. "Is there fuel? All systems go and things like that?"

Greyssa nods to the female Kroatan. "Shaara? Get this ship moving. That's an order."

Shaara promptly slides behind the controls. "Order acknowledged, ma'am. I'll have us in the black in under five minutes."

Greyssa's hand drifts back to her neck, her fingers trembling. "I can't believe this is happening." She looks up at the Doctor. "What are we supposed to do? Just float around in space until the Vashta Nerada eat us?"

The Doctor snorts derisively. "What kind of rubbish plan is that? My plan involves less floating and considerably more running." He points at Devon. "Chief Devon is going to round everyone up from their glass houses. My friend Matty Flynn here, is going to make sure the rest of the crew is evacuated. Get everyone to the gift shop. My ship is there and I'll load everyone on board, safe and sound. I'll get us out of here and we'll alert the proper authorities." He scratches his chin thoughtfully. "I wonder if the Judoon have exterminators." He sticks his tongue out, makes a horrific face. "Bleah, ugh, sorry, didn't mean to use that word." He shudders. "It's a bit too Daleky for my taste." He fumbles in his pocket, pulls out a Jammie Dodger only half covered in lint, and pops it into his mouth. "Much better," he says, through a mouth full of biscuit.

Devon stares at the Doctor suspiciously. "Just how big is your ship? And why should we believe you about this--this Vastha Nerada? I've heard of Reavers, but I have no idea who these Vashta Nerada things are."

The Doctor brushes crumbs off his jacket. "My ship is big enough," he says evasively. "And you don't have to believe me about the Vashta." He looks at Devon coldly. "But you should at least believe your men. I'm referring to the ones who are currently piles of bones in the docking bay." He steps closer to the security officer. "Do you think I'm lying? That I'm playing some kind of game? Believe me, Mr. Sands. I don't play games."

The Doctor starts for the door, stops, turns. "On second thought, River? Please unlock every door on this ship, except for the docking bay. Lock those, and make sure the bulkhead is down. Lock the doors with a dead bolt. Seal them up with duct tape, if necessary. I've fled from the Vashta before and a very annoying number of locked doors blocked our progress. Not this time. Greyssa, make sure the Midway is closed and secure and get the rest of your staff to the gift shop."

Devon scowls at the Doctor. "I don't recall you being in charge of the ship."

"Shut up, Devon," Greyssa says. "Do what he says."

The Doctor offers Greyssa a slight smile. "Smart girl."

"What about me?" Jenny asks. "Can I help?"

The Doctor shakes his head. "You already died once. Just get to the TARDIS."

Jenny takes the Doctor's hand. "But I just found you! I'm not leaving you again."

"I could use some help," Devon says, still glaring at the Doctor. He pulls his gaze from the Time Lord to Jenny. "I understand you were a soldier." He manages a weak smile. "It would be nice to have another military presence to keep Greyssa's clients calm. You'll be back with your dad in no time."

Jenny looks to her father. He nods almost imperceptibly and kisses Jenny's forehead. "Be careful. I mean it."

She nods. "I will. Cross my hearts," she says with a smile. She hurries after Devon and a group of security guards.

River's voice flashes in the Doctor's head. Jenny's got two red hearts. Devon's got one, and it's black. Aloud, River says, "Doors are unlocked 'cept the docking bay."

Greyssa, Flynn, and the remaining guards exit the control room, following the Doctor's instructions. Only the Kroatans piloting the ship remain.

"What do you mean?" The Doctor asks River quietly.

She puts a finger to her lips. I think Jenny's safe, but you're still an oyster. He has a secret.

"Do you know what it is?"

Greyssa wants you. Devon wants your ship.

The Doctor slumps against the wall and tries to think. He is tired of people and planets trying to steal his beautiful T-40. If only he had more time. He checks the monitor. The Reaver ship still has an extra shadow. He can't worry about the TARDIS right now. He has too many lives to save, his own included. He's just gotten the hang of this body, he'd rather not give it up just yet.

"First things first, Tam." He winks at her. "Let's try not to die."

"What should I do?"

He holds out his hand. She takes it. "What do you know about ultraviolet light? Aside from not keeping it under a bushel, I mean? Also, what is a bushel? Is it a basket or a bowl? And, on a related note, exactly how much is a bushel and a peck?"

"A bushel is 35 litres, or 8 dry gallons. And a bushel and a peck is an old Earth-that-was measurement of 44.04884 litres," she recites promptly. "As for ultraviolet light, do you mean short or long wavelength?"

The Doctor gives her a thumbs up. "Exactly."

* * *

"Why don't we just leave the bulkhead open and let the Vashta get sucked out into space?" River asks as they run down the corridor. "Zip and chkkkk." She clamps one hand to her throat, crosses her eyes, and pretends to choke.

"Because as lovely as this ship is, it has all the strength of a sardine tin. The vacuum won't just suck the Vashta into space, it'll tear a great gaping hole in the ship and suck out quite a few important bits. Who's going to ride a Ferris Wheel in the middle of space?"

"You don't want to just save the people. You want to save the ship too," River says matter-of-factly.

The Captain nods. "There's a lot of history here, Tam. It would be a shame to lose it."

"I thought we were gonna run away."

"We are going to run away. I just have a little extra running I need to do first. Really should have joined the track team back in early days," the Doctor pants, slowing.

River considers their other options. "What about sticking the Vashta in the TARDIS? Give 'em a lift someplace else without us getting ate?"

The Doctor beams, squeezes her hand. "Now you've got it."

"Then how come we're goin' to the infirmary?"

The Doctor's face turns grim. "Because they might not want a lift from me." They slow their pace to a fast walk and River pulls her hand free. Best to have both hands ready in case Devon turns up acting Walrusy. Or panicked folks descend on them. You never know when you might have to punch a fella in the face.

"Eleanor said there were medical miracles here," Cap'n says. "When I was checking the view screens, I got a good look at the onboard clinic. They've got an Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation unit to kill bacteria in there."

He sends her a picture of a series of flat, round lights attached to a rectangular metal housing. River bares her teeth. She saw similar UV lights in the labs beneath The Academy.

"Are Vashta Nerada bacteria?"

"Mm." The Doctor waggles his hand back and forth. "More like parasites, but i'm grasping at straws. Giant UVG machine shaped straws. I can use the sonic to fiddle with the wotsit and thingamajig settings to strengthen the wavelength. We don't want to give them a sunburn, we want to break down their cellular structure." The Doctor shrugs. "If nothing else, maybe I can make them all blinky like after you have a photo taken. Make them stumble around a bit." He puts his hands to his eyes and staggers around like he just found Jayne's stash of Blue Sun alcohol.

River laughs.

The Doctor pulls his hands away from his face and points. "Aha! We're here." He runs into the clinic, boots skidding on the tile floor.

River stops in doorway. There's too much white. White's a bad color, the color of lies. And pain. Her stomach feels fluttery. Sweat breaks out on her forehead. Her hands feel clammy.

"I don't like it," she says thickly. "Too bright. Too white. The men in white coats lie. They--they always hurt me."

Capn's voice is gentle. "What about Simon? He's a doctor. Does he wear a white coat?"

"He used to."

"Does he hurt you?"

River bites her lower lip. "Not on purpose." She takes a deep breath and tells the truth. "Never on purpose."

"Good. Okay then. And I'm the Doctor. Would I hurt you?"

Her answer is automatic. "No."

Cap'n smiles at her. "Then trust me, River Tam. This isn't a hospital. You're not staying here. No one's going to hurt you. We're just getting some equipment, all right?"

River studies the row of empty beds, the silent machines. "All right."

She walks into the clinic slowly, points at a tray beside an examination table. "I hate needles. Needles are stupid."

"I don't like them either," the Doctor agrees, and sweeps the tray to the ground with a wave of his arm. The tray sounds like thunder when it hits the floor. A bottle of some kind of antibiotic rolls under a desk. He kicks the needle after it and grins. "Better?"

River grins back. "Better."

The Captain strides over to the examination table and climbs on top of it. Kneeling, he pulls an arc lamp from its metal arm on the ceiling. He hands it to River.

Next, he jumps off the table and sonics the light fixture above the sink. It's about four feet long. He struggles with it, then pulls the base free of the cabinet with a grunt. Screws ping off the tile like chimes. The Doctor carefully lowers the UVG unit onto a rolling supply cart. He piles half a dozen trailing wires on top of it.

"Okay," he says, "and away we go."

They hurry back to the control room, River carrying the arc lamp, the Doctor pushing the cart. "Thank goodness it doesn't have a dodgy wheel," the Cap'n gasps as they run.

"Put the lamp on top," he says, pointing to the cart once they're back inside. "And check the docking bay. Are the Vashta still inside?"

River runs to the control panel and checks the screens. "Still inside," she calls back. "But there are more shadow things at the door."

"How about Greyssa and the crew? Do you see them anywhere?"

"Inside the gift shop."

The Captain pulls a red telephone receiver from the wall and presses a button. "Greyssa? You don't have any fission lamps on board do you? I found an arc lamp in the medical bay, but--" Cap'n nods his head, listens. Then: "Xenon or krypton gas?"

Ah. That means the Captain's talking about flash tubes or strobe beacons. Serenity don't have any. Maybe one day. Kaylee'd prob'ly do a cartwheel if Mal gave her the funds.

The Doctor hangs up and turns back to River. "Greyssa said there are beacons in the equipment room. I'm going to get them, then head to the docking bay."

River's already moving toward him. "I'm coming with you."

Cap'n shakes his head. "No. Monitor the docking bay. I'll need you to open the doors very soonish." He pauses, then adds: "Please."

River clasps her hands. "What happens if your plan don't work?" She sees a brief image of swirling gold light. "Will you...will you get a new face?"

Cap'n laughs, but he don't look happy. "I doubt it. Not sure I can regenerate from inside a thousand tiny Vashta Nerada stomachs."

Don't be afraid the Doctor says inside her head. The TARDIS will take you home if I can't. And then he flashes a series of pictures into her mind.

* * *

The equipment room is on the other side of the offices, next to the docking bay. After the docking bay are several storage rooms, a conference room, another storage room full of Silver City merchandise, and then the gift shop. The Doctor will have nearly gone in a complete circle by the time he reaches the main equipment room. He runs all the way there, pushing the cart in front of him, muttering words the TARDIS would not approve of, much less translate.

One Kroatan and one human are waiting inside the equipment room. The room is filled with tools and machines to keep the ship running smoothly. A glance around the room reveals several generators, another communication panel, three large work benches, and a half-finished replica of the Sphinx.

The Kroatan steps forward, a tidy black fringe over his furry forehead. "I'm Neelo Kalis, head of ship maintenance. This is my second in command, Jim Donnal." Jim waves. "Greyssa sent us over," Neelo says. "How can we help?"

Jim nods at the large light fixture and tangle of wires on the Doctor's cart. "What's this at home, then?"

"This would be an Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation unit. If you want to sound sexy, you can call it a UVG. Ultraviolet light is invisible to our eyes, and has higher energy than visible light. Short ultraviolet waves have enough energy to damage DNA molecules." The Doctor clamps the sonic between his teeth and untangles two wires. "UV sterilization is used to destroy bacteria in aquariums, hospitals, and laboratories," he explains, talking around the screwdriver. He looks up at the men. "Did Greyssa tell you what's going on?"

Neelo nods. "Vaska Nervada."

The Doctor smiles faintly, spits the sonic into his palm. "Close enough. Greyssa said you have strobe beacons here."

"Yeah. We were supposed to replace the beacons in Section D-5 but we...we never got around to it."

"Procrastination," the Doctor says. "Bless." He unplugs a long extension cord from a ludicrously large drill and connects it to the arc light. He tugs the cord, makes sure it's still connected to a power outlet.

"So you're going to try and use the UVG to destroy the Vaska...whatever?"

The Doctor nods in approval. "Exactly. Gold star for you, Neelo." He wipes his forehead with his sleeve, pulls off his jacket and throws it over the back of a chair. "Do you know where the strobe beacons are?" He holds his hands out, pretending to measure invisible tubes. "They look like great tubey lighty things."

Neelo looks amused. "Yes. They're in the storage closet between the docking bay and this room."

The Doctor unspools the extension cord, makes sure it's long enough. He turns the arc light on and all three men grimace, shut their eyes against the blinding light.

"Damn," Jim groans, "turn it off."

The Doctor does. He hands the arc light to Jim. "Take this with you. Count the shadows. If you see more than the usual amount, use the light. And while you're in there, look for safety goggles and ear plugs. In and out. No dawdling."

"And what'll you be doing?" Neelo asks.

"Trying to save this ship and everyone on it."

"Okey doke, then," Jim says with a grimace. "That seems harder than retrieving a couple of lights."

"In and out," the Doctor yells after them. He sniffs, scratches his neck, and continues working on making adjustments to the innards of the UVG panel. He makes a final modification, then notices the red phone on the nearest desk. He picks up the receiver, dials the control room.



"How are the not-a-zoo-after-all people?"

"Still inside their not-cages," River says.

The Doctor rests his forehead against the desk's smooth wooden surface. "What about Jenny?"

"Don't see her or Devon. Flynn just brought another passel of folks to the gift shop."

"Bloody hell," the Doctor seethes. He shouldn't have let Jenny go with Devon. "What about the docking bay? How soon until I'm a pile of Time Lordy bones?"


"Gotcha," the Doctor says, tapping the desk with his fingers. "Just kidding." He realizes he's tapping one two three four, one two three four against the desk. He stops drumming his fingers abruptly, flattens his hand against the wood.

"There are shadows around the door, but nothing's got through so far."

"How about the ship? Are we in orbit?"

"We're in the black," River confirms.

Good. At least the planet and Capa Station are safe. "I have to finish up here, Tam. I'll ring you back shortly."

Neelo and Jim return safely, carrying three strobe lights between them. "I could only find one set of ear plugs and safety goggles," Neelo says apologetically.

"That's loads better than none," the Doctor says, studying the men closely. "Are you all right? No extra shadows?"

Neelo grins. "No extra shadows, Doc."

"Ixnay on the Ocday," the Doctor says, sliding the goggles on.


"Don't call me Doc," the Time Lord says, adjusting the tinted goggles. "The only one who's allowed to call me Doc is Bugs Bunny, and he's a fictional animated rabbit, so I would be extremely shocked if that actually happened." The Doctor smiles to himself. "That's two Looney Tunes references in one day," he announces, proud of himself. "Brilliant!" He grabs Neelo by the arm, then notices the red T-shirt beneath the Kroatan's work coveralls. "A red shirt?" He pokes Neelo's chest accusingly. "You'd best head back to the shop." He winks at Jim. "Jimmy, my boy, you're with me. We're going to save this ship and everyone on it."

Neelo and Jim load the strobes onto the UVG, and the Doctor proceeds to push the cart into the hall and over the to the docking bay doors.

"Good luck," Neelo calls, slowly jogging backwards down the hall. He offers a quick salute, then turns and runs, disappearing around the curve of the corridor.

"Luck?" the Doctor scoffs. "Who needs luck?" He taps the plastic around his head. "I've got tinty goggles."

Jim swallows, his face pale. But he smiles gamely as he inserts the ear plugs into his ears. "Now what, Doctor?"

The Doctor points down the hall. "Go down there, just past the doors. Okay...okay, a little farther. Good. When the doors, open, you're going to fire off the strobes. The light will be intense, don't fall down, understand? As soon as you've got one strobe lit, drop it to the ground and light the next one. One of those strobes produces five times the lumens a fission lamp does. The light will send the Vashta Nerada toward me and--" he indicates the UVG "--blammo."

Blammo. The Doctor mutters the word under his breath a second time. He's not sure if he likes it. He wishes Amy were here. She'd tell him if it was rubbish or not. Not that she's an expert on what's rubbish. He gives his bow tie a comforting pat.

The Doctor plugs the UVG into an outlet in the corridor, sonics an intricate series of wires to the cord, and tips the light fixture on it's side. He rubs his hands together and checks his watch. He tilts his head this way and that, stretching the stiff muscles in his neck. He pulls a red receiver off the wall and dials River.

"Unlock the doors, Tam."

"Are you sure, Captain?"

"Of course I'm not sure," the Doctor says crossly. "But I was responsible for River Song's death and I won't be responsible for River Tam's. I let the Vashta Nerada have the Library. They don't get this ship as well." A moment of silence stretches between them. The Doctor can hear River's soft, steady breathing. "If you don't hear from me in ten minutes, you know what to do." He smiles grimly. "And if you do hear from me--"

River cuts him off. "I know what to do," she says calmly, and the connection goes dead.

The Doctor and Jim both hear the tell-tale click as the lock mechanism slides out of place. The doors are unlocked, but remain closed. Jim watches the Doctor, a glass tube clutched tightly in his hands. His smile is gone. The man looks ill.

The Doctor doesn't blame him. He's not feeling his best either. Here goes, he thinks, and then:. Geranimo!

* * *

The Doctor points the sonic at the back of the light fixture and a familiar zzzzz fills the air. A faint bluish tint emanates from each of the UVG's round lamps.

The Doctor pulls out his stethoscope and presses it to one of the thick, metal doors. He can't hear anything. "Oi!" he calls loudly. "Vashta Nerada! I'm telling you to leave. Go back to your forests."

A faint whisper drifts through the door. "This is our new home."

The Doctor stands and peers through the reinforced circular window. A swirling shadow, roughly the shape of a man stands on the other side of the window. "We let you escape once, Doctor. We won't do it again." The voice is the sound of dry leaves.

"Fine," the Doctor says, returning the stethoscope to his pocket. "I'll let you escape then. Get back in the Reaver ship. I'll put your ship in my TARDIS and drop you off with plenty of trees. You can hunt in the forests again. Better yet, become vegetarians! Leafy greens--yum! They're chock full of vitamins!"

The sound of rustling leaves comes again. "We want...meat."

"And I'm telling you, being vegetarian is better for your health. I used to be one. Tell you what, I'll go back to it if you do."

"You are one man, Doctor. We are many."

"Shows what you know!" the Doctor shouts back. "There are two of us out here and I've got a giant lighty thing."


"This is your one chance," the Doctor continues. "Let me take you someplace else. You and the ship outside. Someplace where you can hunt animals the way you used to." He squeezes his eyes shut, waits for the answer. Just this once, let them agree. Just this once.

"We are content to stay."

The Doctor opens his eyes. "Even if I evacuate everyone from this ship? You'll be floating in space for years all by yourself." He raises his voice. "You'll get lonely, believe me. That other ship out there? They're going to get so bored."

The leaves rustle. The Doctor is certain he can hear a smile in the dry, hollow voice. "Someone will come eventually, Doctor. We can wait. We are very patient."

The Doctor can still see Donna's face on the node, he can still hear Miss Evangelista's voice: Sorry, where am I? Excuse me? He can still see River Song connect herself to the computer core while his previous self looks on, handcuffed and helpless. No. No. There will be no more waiting.

The Doctor steps forward and yanks one of the double doors open. He springs back to the UVG. The blue light flickers.

A long shadow emerges from the doorway, spills into the corridor like ink. The shadow splits in two, one half moving slowly toward Jim, the other toward the Doctor.

"No, no, no," the Doctor whispers, jiggling the UVG. The light flickers again.

The first of Jim's strobe beacons flash. The light is like looking into the sun. Standing inside the sun.

The shadow stops moving toward Jim, drifts back the way it came.

Jim picks up the second beacon--and drops it. He curses, bends to pick it up, but the Vashta are already swarming.

"Stop it!" The Doctor screams, spittle flying from his mouth. "Stop it!"

When Jim's hand touches the beacon, his skin is already gone. His skeleton clatters to the ground. One of his earplugs bounces once, twice, rolls to the wall, lays still.

"No!" the Doctor shrieks, and the UVG stops flickering. He walks toward the shadows, holding the UVG steady. He aims the blue light at the ground, sweeping the barely perceivable light from side to side. The machine hums. His eyes ache, like he's been awake forever. Has he? He can't remember. His hands tingle.

The Doctor grinds his teeth as he directs the light. "I gave you a chance!" he screams. "Why didn't you listen? Why don't you ever listen?"

As he watches, the shadows shrink and dissipate, like smoke from a dying fire. Above the hum of the UVG is the sound of countless autumn leaves. The Doctor imagines it's the sound of the forests where the Vashta once lived. The Time Lord's hands begin to burn. His eyes tear. Tiny grey particles coat the floor like ash. Like dust. The high-pitched rustling is not the sound of leaves. It is the sound of the Vashta Nerada dying.

The blue light destroys them all.

When the screaming stops, the Doctor drops to his knees. He looks down at his red, painful hands, then at the remains of the Vashta Nerada. Jim lies where he fell. His skull smiles maniacally at the Doctor.

The Doctor pulls the cord from the wall and throws it at the now-silent UVG machine. "Dammit!" He takes a deep breath, tries to calm himself, but his hearts slam against his ribs hard enough to make him dizzy. He bows his head. "I'm sorry, Jim," he whispers. "I'm really very sorry."

He kneels in the hallway, head bowed. Alone. He has a sudden urge to wheel the UVG into the TARDIS and go back to the Library. To destroy the Vashta there so he could have more time. More time to save River. He hadn't understood just how important she would be to him. And if he could save River, why not Donna? Why couldn't he have her back? Her big voice and bigger heart? Isn't that why'd he'd been drawn to Amy? Because she has the same ginger hair, the same temper, the same sharp tongue? Jenny was right. If he's a Time Lord, why can't he make time? Why does he never have enough?

He puts his hands to his face, sighs deeply. No. He can't go there. The last time he'd tried to rewrite time, to bend it to his will, had been on Mars. Shame floods through him at the memory. Maybe time can be rewritten. But it's not his to rewrite. Not now.

The Doctor drags himself to the wall, uses it to push himself upright. He waves the sonic around the hallway, checks the readings carefully. He is the only life form in the hallway. He staggers into the docking bay and takes another reading. The Doctor gets the same result: he is the only life form. He looks at the remains of the fallen security guards, the dead Reaver. He pulls off the goggles, lets them hang loosely from his right hand. Lets them fall.

He clenches his fists, lifts his chin defiantly. "I told you to leave," he whispers angrily to the empty room. "I told you." The Doctor exhales slowly. He brushes the hair from his face, tucks it behind his ears. He straightens his braces, then his tie. He sniffs, wipes his eyes. And then he reaches for the red phone on the wall.

* * *

The Doctor detours back through the Cabinet of Curiosities before reuniting with Greyssa. Just as he expected, Greyssa's clients are still here. They're all gathered in David's window, so at least they really are free to come and go. Several other humans--apparently additional members of the Roanoke Colony--are huddled around David White, talking urgently.

The Doctor knocks loudly on the glass. "You all right in there?"

David and Robbin immediately meet the Doctor at the window. "What's going on? We heard the alarm, but no one's come by to tell us what's happening."

Eleanor steps forward, incongruous in pink flannel pajamas. "Is Greyssa all right?"

The Doctor rolls his eyes. "I don't know how Greyssa is. I want to know how you are."

"We're fine," David says. "Just confused."

"Join the club," the Doctor says. "I'll get us T-shirts." He scans the room. "Where's Virginia?"

"Sleeping," Eleanor says, holding an Agatha Christie book to her chest. "She's in her crib."

The Doctor nods, thinking. "And you didn't see Chief Sands come through here? He didn't talk to any of you?"

Robbin shakes his head. "Leelan? Have you seen Sands?" His wife shakes her head also.

White frowns, absently pulling at his beard. "Has anyone see him?" After several endless seconds of debate, the consensus is no.

"What about a human girl who looks a bit Army with a blonde ponytail?"

More head shakes.

"Doctor," David asks, "what's going on? Is there a problem with the ship?" He and Eleanor exchange a worried look.

The Doctor raises his hands. "Nothing's wrong. Everything's fine. There was a...thing, but it's gone now. We're thing-free." He offers David a quick salute. "You're safe and sound. And peachy-keen. You can't get better than that." He turns to leave.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Eleanor calls after him.

"To find Chief Sands and Ms. Valnar," he replies. He waves a hand at the young brunette. "I'll be back," he promises. "In the meantime, take a nap. Or color a picture. I'm partial to dinosaurs," he adds helpfully. He pulls back his arms and claws his hands like a Tyranysraurs Rex. "Or read your book. Murder on the Orient Express is a real corker. You could always whip up some fish fingers and custard while you wait." He gives Eleanor a thumbs up. "It's much better than it sounds. So long!"

The Doctor runs all the way to the gift shop. He slides around the final corner, arms out, like he's back on one of Sardicktown's ice-covered streets. Greyssa Valnar paces in and out of The Crown, her arms folded tightly around herself. Loose ivory strands fall from her plated hair. She stops when she spots the Doctor, her eyes wide.

"Doctor! What took you so long? Are you all right? What about the Vashta Nerada?"

The Doctor ignores her and peers into the shop. He spots Neelo and Matty among the anxious faces, but there's no sign of Devon or Jenny.

"Doctor? Doctor, please."

The Doctor puts a comforting arm around Greyssa's shoulders. "The Vashta Nerada are gone. Your ship is safe and everything will be fine after you give the docking bay a thorough sweep." He avoids Greyssa's large blue eyes. "I'm sorry...but Jim Donnal is dead."

Greyssa puts a fist to her mouth and nods weakly. She makes a low, pained noise. "Jim was a good man."

"The best," the Doctor agrees.

She looks at the Doctor solemnly, her blue eyes shine with tears. "Are we really safe?"

The Doctor nods.

Ms. Valnar literally sags with relief.

"The Vashta Nerada are gone," the Doctor repeats quietly. He glances around the shop again. "This can't be everyone. Where's the rest of the crew?"

"Shaara, Takkro, and a few others are flying the ship. I don't know where Devon, his guards, or the clients are," Greyssa says, worrying at a pale blue thumbnail.

"Your clients are fine. I just came from a little visit. What about Jenny? Do you know where she is?"

"I--I don't know." She stands on her tip-toes, scanning the small crowd. "Where's your friend, Ms. Tam?"

The Doctor's forehead creases. "I think a better question would be, where is my ship?"

Devon strides up, his dark hair mussed, one hand on his weapon. "What did it look like?"

Greyssa reaches for her friend's arm. "Dear God, Dev! Where have you been? I was so worried!"

Devon gives the Kroatan a withering look, shakes her off. "I've been here for at least 10 minutes."

Greyssa blinks in surprise. "What? I--"

The Doctor talks over Greyssa, watching Devon carefully. "Ten minutes? In that case, you can manipulate time even better than I can." He lowers his voice. "I bet you're almost as upset as I am to see she's missing."

Devon glares at the Doctor. "I don't know what you're talking about. Do you ever make sense?"

"Only on very special occasions." The Doctor turns in a slow circle and calls loudly to the crowd: "Has anyone seen a big blue box around here?" The Doctor points to the spot where the TARDIS last stood. "Bigger than a breadbox, smaller than a shed?"

There are a few murmurs, but no definitive answer either way.

"Anyone? Anyone?" The Doctor sighs. "Bueller?"

"I think I saw something blue when we first arrived, but I now I'm not sure." Greyssa says slowly. She glances up and down the corridor in confusion. "I don't understand. How can I not remember?"

"Perception filter," the Doctor replies shortly. He turns to Devon. "Where did you take it?"

"I don't have your ship," Devon says, his voice dangerous.

"Oh really? So you're not trying to steal the TARDIS? You haven't contacted the Alliance Torchwood Division?" The Doctor advances on Devon, eyes blazing. "My friend heard you, Devon." The Doctor pauses, reconsiders his words. "Well, she didn't hear you so much as look through a window at your thoughts." He wags a finger. "Which I generally don't approve of. Nobody likes a Peeping River." He smiles coldly. "But I'll let it go just this once."

Devon smirks. "I know who your friend is. We've been after River Tam almost as long as we've been after you, Doctor." He says the Doctor's name like it's the most disgusting word in existence. Which is just plain rude, because the Doctor's heard far, far worse. It's not like Raxacoricofallapatorius is all that groovy.

Greyssa looks from the Doctor to Devon, stunned. "What are you talking about, Devon? You're--you're out of Torchwood."

Devon sneers at Greyssa. "Oh please, Greyssa. Just how stupid are you? The Doctor was right. The only way you leave Torchwood is in a body bag. I've been waiting years for you to collect something that's actually useful, you stupid cow. And finally, finally, you have." He turns his sneer on the Doctor. "Do you have any idea how much Torchwood wants you? Can you imagine the promotion I'll get for bringing in the last Time Lord and his rickety T-40? Not to mention the fugitive River Tam, and whatever the hell Jenny is."

The Doctor's first impulse is to reach out and throw Devon Sands into the wall. Repeatedly. Instead, he tilts his head very slightly to the right. "And where is Jenny?"

"Somewhere safe." Devon's dark eyebrows lift. "And River?"

"Somewhere safe."

Devon's smile is cruel. "Too bad you're not."

Greyssa touches Devon's shoulder tentatively. "Devon, please. I don't understand what you're doing. You're scaring me."

"Shut up," Devon hisses, his voice a slap.

The Kroatan stumbles backwards, shocked. She blinks rapidly, fighting tears. "Why--why are you acting this way?"

The Doctor addresses the crowd a second time. "Attention, attention, I'm the Doctor. Ms. Valnar would like you to go back to your stations or bunks or wherever you usually go. There are no Reavers and no meat-eating shadows. This has all been a test to see how well you handle yourself in an emergency. Guess what? You all get a first in not panicking!" He flashes a double thumbs up to the crowd. "Good on you!"

Kroatans and humans look at each other uncertainly. A few take tentative steps to leave, then stop. A security guard next to Mattro Flynn opens his mouth.


The Doctor claps his hands loudly. "No buts, no ifs, no ands." He points down the corridor. "Well done you lot, now off you go," he says, making a general shooing motion.

Several employees look to Greyssa for confirmation. She nods. "I apologize for--for scaring you. Please go back to your quarters immediately."

The Doctor watches as most of the group walks off, muttering. Greyssa, Devon and Flynn remain in the hallway. Treessa, the cashier, and Neelo stand together in the shop doorway. The Time Lord tips an imaginary hat to Greyssa, offers Devon a slight bow, and turns on his heel. He follows the retreating Silver City crew, hands clasped behind his back.

"And where are you going, Doctor?" Devon calls.

The Time Lord doesn't bother to turn around. "To find my ship."

Devon raises his voice. "I wouldn't if I were you."

The Doctor looks back, already knowing what he'll see. Devon's gun is pointed at the Doctor's chest. How déjà vu.

Greyssa puts her hands to her mouth, presses her back against the wall. "Devon, what are you doing?"

Flynn's hand hovers over his own weapon. "Chief?"

Sands turns toward his fellow guard. "Flynn, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for quite some time."

Flynn swallows, eyes darting to the Doctor, then back to Devon. "What's that, sir?"

"You're bloody useless," Devon says, and pulls the trigger. A bolt of white light envelopes Flynn and the young guard falls to the floor.

Greyssa and Treessa both scream. Neelo's mouth drops open in shock and he pushes the cashier behind him.

The Doctor rushes back to Flynn, squats beside the fallen Kroatan. He checks for a pulse. He glares at Devon, his mouth a tight, angry line. "You didn't have to do that."

Greyssa puts a hand on the Doctor's shoulder, speaks in a low, choked voice. "I'm sorry, Doctor. I'm so sorry. I never should have called you here. This is all my fault."

"I don't think so," the Doctor says, giving her hand a cursory pat. "You're not the one who pulled the trigger just now. I don't blame you." He stares at Devon, his face thunderous. "Why did you kill him?"

Devon points the gun back toward the Doctor. "I didn't kill him." He lifts the weapon slightly. "My M-285 is set to incapacitate, not kill. Of course, Flynn will wish he was dead when he wakes up paralyzed." Devon studies the gun thoughtfully. "This thing's a bitch on the nervous system," he says, chuckling. "You think he can find a job rolling up and down the Midway?"

The Doctor's fingers check for a pulse again. He presses hard against the soft fur of Flynn's neck. There. It's faint, but it's there. He stands, fists clenched. "Where is my ship?"

Sands rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Don't bother playing games with me, Time Lord. I don't have your ship." Devon's smile is bright as a razor. "But give me time. And now that I think about it, Torchwood doesn't need you to be mobile." Devon pulls the trigger a second time.

The Doctor drops to the ground.

doctor who fanfiction, shadow in the silver city, crossover fanfiction, firefly fanfiction

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