WARNING: this post contains emo/whiny content.

Sep 12, 2007 10:30

ever have one of those days where you feel like every decision you've made over the past ten years was wrong? where the only important thing you've ever done is have a kid (which took no talent whatsoever)? where you think you'll never finish anything you write no matter how hard you try (and what you do manage to smash out of your keyboard makes your eyes bleed)?

this day seems bleh with a strong chance of indifference.

i demand coffee and the coffee maker just broke.  why you gotta dog me, life? why? there's 80 tins of tea but it all looks like potpourri and twigs.  and it's not caffeinated. i ask you: what's the point?

*mutters darkly*

i attempt a poll.

Poll work is dumb

poll, emo whining

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